This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata


Post 1

Cat from mars

hey me haven't seen you in ages! smiley - blue


Post 2


I'm smiley - ok though I've still got coldsmiley - yuk
How are you doing?
Here in Osaka, Autumn has come and we can enjoy the colouring leaves which is very beautifulsmiley - musicalnote


Post 3

Cat from mars

awww... poor you!smiley - blue
hope you get better! anyway it is getting colder in northern ireland. autumn feels like winter here! but hey, i should be use to this as our seasons all include rain!
smiley - zen


Post 4


I finally recover from awful coldsmiley - wow, though I'm very smiley - sleepy
Here we have a lovely daysmiley - smiley -- colouring leaves, blue sky.... lovely seasonsmiley - biggrin
Not so cold, not so hot. I love Japanese autumn smiley - smiley

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