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Post 1

Mag's Guardian Angel and Patron Saint of Wishing Stars

Hiyasmiley - hug
I have not been able to send you a message as I kept getting a error code,I did try and sent you a message under your page but don't know if you got.When I got the error code my screen also froze and i had to switch my set off!!
Anyway hope you get thissmiley - okhow are you I am well on night duty this week.
Poor Chel has a painful ankle and came on today she has gone to bed with a hot water bottle.We have to change our doctor because of our move.We have a appointment to see the nurse next week.
I went to Camden on Sunday I saw someone who I had met at the begining of the year.It was nice seeing him we did exchange tlephone numbers and plan to see each othersmiley - smiley
I have not heard from Sarah yet but hope she issmiley - okand having a great time in America.
The worse thing about working nights is by the time you get up and get yourself ready etc there is not alot of time left before you are back at work.I am working tonight and wednesday that's all this time.So it's not too bad.
Hope to hear from you soon
smiley - nurse
smiley - angel
smiley - rose
smiley - bubbly


Post 2


Hiya Margaret smiley - cuddlesmiley - musicalnote,
Lovely to hear from you again smiley - smiley
Yepsmiley - musicalnote, I've got your message without any problems smiley - ok
How are you Chel? smiley - sorry for her smiley - injured. I hope she will be fine, so you do smiley - peacedove
As for me, I've been a cold for a weeksmiley - cry. I'm getting better and better, but can't stop sniffing, sneezing and coughingsmiley - yuk. So I was in bed last weekendsmiley - wah
It sounds really smiley - cool whenever you told me about Camdensmiley - envy
Oh, by the way, do you like Toyah? Recently I had been enjoying chatting about her with some of my 'internet friends' on a Japanese message board. One of them love her very muchsmiley - smiley He is a kind of 'minia' for music smiley - geeksmiley - musicalnote
I know that Toyah will have a gig in London this Friday. We are very sorry that she won't come to Japan(I think she hasn't had any concert yet, in Japansmiley - cry)
Well, I'll stop now, today.
Hoping you feel fine after your this week's dutysmiley - bubbly
Speak to you soon againsmiley - hug
smiley - cappuccino
smiley - donut

smiley - love

Taamyu smiley - fairy


Post 3

Mag's Guardian Angel and Patron Saint of Wishing Stars

Hellosmiley - smiley
nice to hear from you again and hope your cold will go soonsmiley - ok
Poor Chel still has a painful ankle and her periods are painful this time.But does not really complain about it.
Oh I smiley - zzzslept so deeply and had very strange dreams toosmiley - ok.I have not been able to do much as I ache all over.
I do like Toya she is very good,it's a shame she has not been to japan.I know she does other things now aswell as siningsmiley - smiley
Camden is good you never know what will happen I hope to see my friend Patsy this weekend I have not seen her for awhilesmiley - biggrin
I better go for now only two more hours then back to work.
Here's afor you hope you feel better soon
smiley - nurse
smiley - angel
smiley - cuddle


Post 4


How are you?
I hope you feel smiley - cool after your dutysmiley - bubbly
smiley - sorry for Chel. I do hope she feels better asapsmiley - smiley

Yep, Toyah is not so popular here in Japansmiley - cry, so if she came to Japan, I would go to her gigsmiley - smiley But it's very difficult to see her in Japansmiley - wah

I may ask you to take me to Camden when I visit Englandsmiley - biggrin sot that I won't be lostsmiley - biggrin

As for me, I'm getting better and better, though I can't still sniffing a little bitsmiley - cry

Last Thursday when I went to my French lesson, I couldn't speak well, and I became VERY confused with grammar, then I also couldn't 'lsiten' to the tapesmiley - yikes. Then to my very surprised, I suddenly was ready to crysmiley - cry Maybe I was 'vexed' with myself who couldn't listen to itsmiley - yuk Never mind, I slept yesterday and today, and I feel better nowsmiley - smiley I think I was too nervours and too tired. Sleeping is anyway necessary to regainsmiley - smiley

Looking forward to hearing from you soon again smiley - hugsmiley - bubbly

Have a great weekendsmiley - cappuccinosmiley - strawberries

Taamyu smiley - fairy

What's up?

Post 5


Hiya Margaret smiley - musicalnote
I hope you still remeber me.
I'm fine though I'm smiley - sleepy
Now, we have a lovely season, Autumnsmiley - wow. Colouring leaves, pleasant weathersmiley - biggrin I enjoy taking walk on the streetsmiley - rose
Well I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you soon again smiley - bubbly

smiley - cappuccino & smiley - cheesecake

Taamyu smiley - fairy

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