This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata
Mag's Guardian Angel and Patron Saint of Wishing Stars Started conversation Oct 7, 2003
I have not been able to send you a message as I kept getting a error code,I did try and sent you a message under your page but don't know if you got.When I got the error code my screen also froze and i had to switch my set off!!
Anyway hope you get thishow are you I am well on night duty this week.
Poor Chel has a painful ankle and came on today she has gone to bed with a hot water bottle.We have to change our doctor because of our move.We have a appointment to see the nurse next week.
I went to Camden on Sunday I saw someone who I had met at the begining of the year.It was nice seeing him we did exchange tlephone numbers and plan to see each other
I have not heard from Sarah yet but hope she isand having a great time in America.
The worse thing about working nights is by the time you get up and get yourself ready etc there is not alot of time left before you are back at work.I am working tonight and wednesday that's all this time.So it's not too bad.
Hope to hear from you soon
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