This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata

Better Late Than Never

Post 1


Hi Taeko

Only just found the time to check out your page as I have had another hectic weekend smiley - bigeyessmiley - headhurts - the intro is very good.

As you know I live in London smiley - biggrin, I don't know how old being middle aged is but at 38 I expect I qualify, funny that I still feel so much younger! Though I must say I do share your love of napping - it's just a shame my boss doesn't smiley - devil!

You say you stayed in Exeter when you were in England, did you go to Totnes or the local beaches smiley - shark when you were there? Me and my mates stayed just south of Totnes and I was quite taken by how beautiful the countryside was, it had been about 22 years since I last went to Devon. I can assure you the scones and cream teas smiley - tea are as good as ever.

You asked about an e-mail address, I have a Yahoo one I could let you have, I also can log on to MSN messenger if that is of any use? Let me know. If there's anything at all you would like to ask me about feel free smiley - ok .

Hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend,


ps Your English is getting better all the time.

Better Late Than Never

Post 2


Hello Dave smiley - smiley

Thank you smiley - ta very much for coming here smiley - bubbly, check my page smiley - wowsmiley - wow and left you message smiley - biggrinsmiley - wow

It's 00.00 to 10 here in Japansmiley - yuk. I'm little bit smiley - sleepy

I'm surprised to know that you were in Devon smiley - musicalnote What a coincidence it is smiley - boing
One of my friend too me some beach when I was in Exeter, but I don't remember the namesmiley - cry. (I've just checked 'Totnes'smiley - yikes Very close to Exetersmiley - musicalnote) But Devon is realy lovely place smiley - ok. And cream teassmiley - tea!!! I think Devon cream is the best of all for sconessmiley - ok I love there as well as London. To tell the truth, because I had not enough money smiley - cry, I did not visit not so many places during my staying in Englandsmiley - wah. I went to ,of coursesmiley - smiley, Haworth where Emily Bronte lived (twicesmiley - musicalnote), Londonsmiley - bussmiley - bus and some places nearby Exeter. I really like those place. I hope I will 'go back to England' as soon as possible smiley - winkeye

It's pity that I don't know much about local towns' names in Londonsmiley - yuk, though I stayed in London for 2 weeks just before going home, not at a BB, but at a local house where my friend's friend's family lived. So, I had a rather better memory in London than touristssmiley - smiley.
Well, so wehre Islington is? Will you tell me where is the nearest tube station so that I can check easier where it issmiley - ok

As for mail address, I'm very happy if you let me know both yahoo and MSN mail address, but I think one is enough. As for me, I have MSN mail address, so that we can use MSN messengersmiley - ok.
My hotmail address is
smiley - fish [email protected] smiley - hsif
Very easy to remember smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye
Please remember, I've got hotmail address only to do messenger, so I'll tell you my another mail address for mailing when you send me a test mail to my hotmailsmiley - ok Anyway, we can chat anywhere around smiley - biggrin

I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you soon again smiley - bubbly

Thank you very much for your kindness and friendshipsmiley - smiley

Have a lovely day smiley - ale

Best wishes,

Taeko smiley - fairy

Better Late Than Never

Post 3


Hiya Dave,
I do am looking forwad to hearing from you soon smiley - ok
I know you have been busy working and lots of things not only inernet but also enjoy yourself with your mates smiley - bubbly.
I'm wait for you with patience smiley - ok
Take Care & Enjoy Yourself smiley - cheers
I'm okay smiley - biggrin
speak to you soon both on this page and message board as well smiley - ok
Have a smiley - ale/smiley - bubbly or smiley - tea & smiley - donut

Your friend,
Taeko smiley - fairy
smiley - hug

Better Late Than Never

Post 4


Hey Taeko

I try not to work too hard but sometimes we do not have a choice smiley - sadface

I noticed your posts on the LDN messageboards smiley - biggrin Keep up posting, the boards are so quiet these days, they could do with livening up.

I will contact you at hotmail as soon as I post this.

Take Care

Your friendsmiley - hug


Thank you

Post 5


Hiya Dave smiley - smiley

I've got your yahoo mail address with safesmiley - ok
I'll be waiting for your hotmail account smiley - wow
Also, usually I use my active mail address, I sent it to you as well with awful my photossmiley - yikes

I'm happy if you enjoy me message in LDN message board.
I think it's become really boringsmiley - grr
It seems Regular posing people has dissapeared and they have moved into 'Londondum' message boardsmiley - ok

As I sent your yahoo address to invite 'messenger', please ignore. I'll be waiting for your hotmail address, otherwise we can chant with messenger smiley - groan

Take Care smiley - bubbly
Looking forward to hearing from you agian smiley - hug

Yours smiley - cuddle,
Taeko smiley - fairy

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