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Hello hun Paula-Grifter Gal

Post 1


Hiya Paula smiley - sleepy
How's your weekend? Do you enjoy
Just a short note smiley - ok
Did you read my last meeage?
As you also sent to a wrong person, I haven't received your mail yet smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah
I'll tell you my e-mail again smiley - ok

[email protected] smiley - love

Looking forward to hearing from you smiley - cheers
smiley - strawberriessmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose


Hello hun Paula-Grifter Gal

Post 2


hiya taamyu smiley - disco how are you i,m fine but my smiley - headhurts at the moment smiley - smiley havent done much since we last spoke what about you? smiley - smiley here is a smiley - coffee and some smiley - choc for you smiley - smiley and i look forward to hearing from you soon smiley - bus
take care smiley - bus
smiley - love
Grifter Gal
smiley - bussmiley - bus

Hello hun Paula-Grifter Gal

Post 3


Hello Paula smiley - sleepy
smiley - sorry for not replying you earier smiley - sorry
How are yousmiley - smiley
I'm fine, though I'm VERYsmiley - sleepy
Today is fine day toosmiley - yuk, HOTsmiley - yuksmiley - grr, but it becomes smiley - cool at night and in the mornigsmiley - ok
Thank you for smiley - coffee & smiley - choc I like them smiley - love
Here is smiley - strawberries & smiley - teasmiley - winkeye
As we have 3 days off this weekend (Sat., Sun., and tomorrow(bank holiday)), I will meet my friend tomorrow smiley - wow
How about yousmiley - bubbly ?
Hope have a lovely weekend smiley - ok
Speak to you soon smiley - bus
Take Care smiley - love
Taamyu smiley - fairy

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