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HeLLo (',)
MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK Started conversation Sep 5, 2003
Will spk 2 u in horror chat later (Interns) but for now just wanted to comment that your english is very good and can only improve by speaking to people from the UK on here
I'm Marc btw
HeLLo (',)
kbrtiata Posted Sep 6, 2003
Hiya MaRc
Glad to hear from you
for saying that my English is okay
Hoping my 'speaking English' will also improve
Do you like horror films a lot ?
As for me, I like watching it sometime, not all the time.
But I love films
I'm happy if we can have a lovely film chattering
See you soon
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HeLLo (',)
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