This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata
hi :o)
Researcher 234607 Started conversation Sep 4, 2003
hello there
was just wandering through h2g2 when i come across ur page... if you would like a chat, nice drink of or just a cup of
then why not pop along to The Travellers Rest at A1160812 or alternatively u can pop along to my space U234607 and ill have a chat with u
speak to u later, take care
kbrtiata Posted Sep 4, 2003
Hello Totty, Thank you for inviting me to your wonderful jolly lovely page
As it is 20.46 here in Osaka, I'm getting . I may have a nap for a while. But I'm sure I'll visit you bringing
to have a lovely chat
I'm looking forward to hearing from/seeing you soon again
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 4, 2003
lovely hearing from u!!!
well thought i`d let u know that im a 25 year old female from Scotland and i have a 4 1/2 year old i mean
errr wooops no what i meant is daughter!!!
iv been using this site for quite a while now...well must get back to the buisness in the travellers inn so talk to u again soon
Ho ho Totty!
kbrtiata Posted Sep 5, 2003
Glad to hear from you again
Although I went to England about 14 years ago when I was 26 (I'm now 40 years ), I've never been to Scotland, but my friend told me that it was really beautiful country
Next time, when I go to UK, surely to say, I'll visit Scotland
I havn't got any children(I'm single), but I know 'kids' are sometimes
, sometimes
I'll drop into your 'inn' time to time
Well, I'm looking forward to hearing from you again
Have a lovely weekend
Ho ho Totty!
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 5, 2003
hiya Taamyu
hey theres nothing wrong with beeing 40 years young the saying is `life begins at 40` and all that lol
Scotlands a nice place to live...we have some really beautifull countryside here and where i live it is nice and peacefull, although there is plenty of places i can go if i want to let my hair down
so do u have any plans for the weekend and what do u like doing with ur spare time??
i dont have any plans for this weekend, well not yet anyway!! i think itll be a quiet weeekend though as i spent a bit too much getting
last weekend
for work i work part time in a primary school where im a playworker in a kids club, working and looking after approx 25+ kids aged between 5-11 years old...most of them are little but there are a few
i enjoy my job but it can be really stressfull at times
but its very rewarding
anything else u want to know just ask away
well u take care and ill speak to u again soon
kbrtiata Posted Sep 5, 2003
Hiya Totty
Do you believe that there is Nessi in Lake Noch?
As I'm almost dying with awful heat, I think I'll stay at home this weekend. I may listen to LDN or reading, blah, blah, blah at home
I havn'e worked for years because I've got serious mental illness after coming back to Japan from England. But one of my friend will have a small private 'English school' for small children, she asked me to help her as a 'teacher'. (I studied English literature and got MA, but I still don't have any confident on my English) And before open it, she asked me of 'teaching' English to her own children (3years girl and 5 years boy) as an experimentary rats.
for them. They are our victim
At the moment they are so cute and like .
Why I write this to you, you are teaching at a school. So I think we may have another topic to chat
To 'playing' with children, it's very fun, but I need numerous energy to play with them.
But I think this is a good chance for me to go back to the normal social life Though I'm worried my English pronouciation
. I have Japanese accent, of course. Never mind.
Well, I'll also tell you whatever you want to know
Have a good rest and enjoy weekend
See you soon
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 6, 2003
well its 10-15am here in scotland so good morning taamyu!!! as for nessie, yes i believe there is a
...its in a loch called loch ness
nut i think most scots believe there is something in the loch
u say ur not very confident in ur english...well u type it very good so have a bit more confidence in urself ur typin better than me cos i type most of my words abbreviated ie instead of typin `you` or `your` i type `u` or `ur`
its just lazyness with me tho!!
as for working in the not an actual teacher as such, the kids club is where the kids go after school when there parents are working...we keep them happy and occupied till there parents collect them at 6pm
Night here
kbrtiata Posted Sep 6, 2003
Hiya Totty
Oh, oh, you believe in the Lake Loch
Do most Scots believe that there is a in the Lake Loch?
Is the Lake Loch near your home? I'm sure soooo many Japanese visit there to see
Plyaing kids seems to be fun What kind of activity do you do with them?
As I guessed yesterday, I was sleeping all day long
Now I'm like
Tomorrow, I'll be a bit busy for preparng for the kids, and doing calligraphy, then French homework.. I'm sure I won't do all
Have a lovely weekend
Night here
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 6, 2003
hiya taamyu
its not called lake loch its called loch ness no its miles away from my home and iv never been there myself although would love to visit one day and try and see the
loch ness is a very popular tourist attraction as many people try and catch a glimpse of nessie!!! most people i no believe there is a there but i dont think it will ever be found if there is...nessie is a very clever creature!!!
at my work i like to play sports with the kids ie football badminton tennis etc but we also play games with them, help with homework etc etc its all basically just stuff that is fun for the kids to do
Loch Ness
kbrtiata Posted Sep 7, 2003
Hiya Totty
How are you? I'm fine How was your weekend? did you enjoy it? As for me, as I told you, I slept all day long this Sunday
, but still sleepy
Yep, Loch means 'Lake'. I completely misunderstand . I know so many Japanse
visit there to look for Nessie
. It's getting cooler early in the morning and at night
I'm very happy
, because the horrible hot summer
is going to be over
and automn will come soon
I guess Scotland is cooler than London, isn't it?
Well, have a
and relax
Looking forward to hearing from you soon again
Loch Ness
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 10, 2003
hiya taamyu
well my weekend was not too bad i suppose, didnt do much tho so hows u..u
the weather here in scotland isnt too bad right now..its lovely and sunny here today but out of all the seasons i prefer spring cos its not too hot and not too cold...but i also like fresh, crisp autumn mornings aswell
so are ur plans for today??
ill just be going to work soon and thats about not feeling too good right now, full of the cold and feel hopefully itll go soon
well take care and ill spk to u again soon!!
How are you?
kbrtiata Posted Sep 11, 2003
Hello Totty
I hope you feel better now than before
I'm sure I'll go to Scotland next time when I will go to UK
Sounds really attractive
Last Tuesday, I went to my friend's house to play with her children in English which was very fun! We have finished 'alphabet'. And we will learn 'sentence' and phonix
They are really cute by now. I hope the won't change to
Yesterday I went to the film (Japanese one which I rarely watch) with my friend. People said it was funny, but to me there was nothing funny to laugh out. Most of audience laughed or weeping, but nothing interesting to me
Today, I went to my French lesson which I enjoyed a lot with my teacher
We have 3 day off this weekend(Sat. Sun and Mon(bank/national hols))
Well take care Totty
Speak to you soon again with &
How are you?
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 11, 2003
morning Taamyu
im feeling a bit better today but im just about to go and see my doctor as i think i have a chest infection
and cant stop coughing
so i think i need antibiotics to clear it
i hate being unwell
many people and tourists come to scotland to see the local historical places and the lovely scenery...and theres plenty of that round where i live
well i better get going dont want to be late for the docs!! speak later have a nice day
Oh !
kbrtiata Posted Sep 11, 2003
Hiya, Totty,
Take care
And go to the clinic as soon as possible .
I hope you will be getting better
Hope hearing from you soon agaim
Take Care & Enjoyou yourself !
Speak to you soon
Oh !
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 11, 2003
well ive been to docs and it turns out i DO have a bad chest infection and iv now got a weeks course of antibiotics to take so hopefully ill be fighting fit again soon
thats the only down side to working with prone to picking up all the viruses that go about from the kids
I'm sory
kbrtiata Posted Sep 11, 2003
Hello toty,
I'm to know your ill. I do hopen you will be geting better soon
I may understand a little bit about your situation, because I'v been sufferning from 'stresfiul menal illness'. But I'm sure 'TIME' will heal you little by little
The thing is that you 'pretned' ro be normal a usualy to the studednts wichi makes you stressful.
But after enough rest, I'm sure you feel much better
Well Hoping hearing from you soon
Add to friend
kbrtiata Posted Sep 11, 2003
Hello Totty
It's almost 5.30 in the morning. I'm
One thing I would like to know that is it possible for me to add you into my 'friend' ?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon
Have a good night with
Take Care
Add to friend
Researcher 234607 Posted Sep 13, 2003
of course u can add me on ur friends list u didnt have to ask
so how is ur weekend going?? im just on my way out shortly to visit my gran and give my car a clean...its long overdue a good clean
well must get going...spk soon
Thank you
kbrtiata Posted Sep 14, 2003
Hello Totty
for not replying you earier
How are you
I add your name to my friedn
I'm fine, though I'm VERY
Today is fine day too, HOT
, but it becomes
at night and in the mornig
Here is &
As we have 3 days off this weekend (Sat., Sun., and tomorrow(bank holiday)), I will meet my friend tomorrow
How about you ?
Hope have a lovely weekend
Speak to you soon
Take Care
kbrtiata Posted Sep 16, 2003
Hiya Totty
I do hope you can get into my space
I wonder if you can 'chat'/'voice chat' through the messenger
If you can, I'll tell you my hotmail address and Yahoo ID, so that if you can please add mine as your friend
My hotmail address(for MSN messenger) is :
[email protected]
And my Yahoo ID is :
taamyu VERY EASY
It dosen't matter if you can't, because we can have a lovely conversation here
Well, well
Looking forward to hearing from you soon again
Take Care
PS I bought microphone with headphone for voice chat, and I tested tunes It's awful. Both my voice and English sound horrible
I have to have 'voice' training
Key: Complain about this post
hi :o)
- 1: Researcher 234607 (Sep 4, 2003)
- 2: kbrtiata (Sep 4, 2003)
- 3: Researcher 234607 (Sep 4, 2003)
- 4: kbrtiata (Sep 5, 2003)
- 5: Researcher 234607 (Sep 5, 2003)
- 6: kbrtiata (Sep 5, 2003)
- 7: Researcher 234607 (Sep 6, 2003)
- 8: kbrtiata (Sep 6, 2003)
- 9: Researcher 234607 (Sep 6, 2003)
- 10: kbrtiata (Sep 7, 2003)
- 11: Researcher 234607 (Sep 10, 2003)
- 12: kbrtiata (Sep 11, 2003)
- 13: Researcher 234607 (Sep 11, 2003)
- 14: kbrtiata (Sep 11, 2003)
- 15: Researcher 234607 (Sep 11, 2003)
- 16: kbrtiata (Sep 11, 2003)
- 17: kbrtiata (Sep 11, 2003)
- 18: Researcher 234607 (Sep 13, 2003)
- 19: kbrtiata (Sep 14, 2003)
- 20: kbrtiata (Sep 16, 2003)
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