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Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Mar 25, 2006
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rip Van Winkle <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
hahahahhaha. Enjoyed it but really dark the screen was
So many rather scene, and I watched it with dark moniter
Can't see most of good scene
Need to wait for the DVD
I agree, it's really strange film.
No problem with my teeth
How are you, darling
Poole Pirate
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 25, 2006
Tired ..... trying to sleep at work
12 hours at work today ..... and not much work to help pass the time
Trying to study a bit of my Polish ....
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Mar 25, 2006
I'm praying for you to have enough enough enooooogh sleep AT WORK
12 hours work a day
OI, it's too much to work !!! SLEEEEEEEEPP!!!! lol
Have you got any gorgeous or superb plan this weekend..
Oh no, it's already WEEKEND
Now, I'm addicted to "Mitford Girls" s
Very interesting and fascinating girls/sisters they were
I ordered the original English version, but I have to wait 3 weeks to get, so I've got Japanese translated version and keep reading
But I'm reading fighting with sleepness
I wodner if you could do Messenger(yahoo/msn) sometimes when you're at home
Anyway, study Pol hard, I'll study french/sometimes korean
BTW, what "BIRO" means? Tell me, Sir
Poole Pirate
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 25, 2006
A Biro ... is an ink pen that you dont refil .... when it runs out you throw it away
A fountain pen is one that you can refil with cartridges ..
I dont have MSN now .... no camera or Microphone ... I got rid of my PC and bought a laptop to help give me more room at home.
I will put MSN back on one day when I have time away from the golf course ...
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Mar 25, 2006
I can understand it very eaisly
Oh my god! so you now use only laptop instead of desktop
Hope you have several TIME to install msn some day
Good for you to keep playing golf
How about horseriding?
Poole Pirate
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 25, 2006
Dont go horse riding now ..... just golf and speedway , though I have been trying to learn the guitar ... but may stop that as I am not really enjoying it ...
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Mar 27, 2006
how was weekend
Did you enjoy with your mum or give something to your mum ?
I didn't know that last Sunday was the Mothering Day in the UK
I have got lot of things that I don't know about the UK culture still now
I was addicted to and couldn't sleep last night because I was reading
I slept this morning till afternoon...
Need to change my routine by Wednesday as I'll have one more class this month, then I'll be free untill 10th of April
No worry about staying late at night till then and I'll be able to be all alone at my flat doing whatever I want to without disturbances
Poole Pirate
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 27, 2006
Weekend was wet and windy .....
Worked all day Saturday .... but I did play golf on Sunday ... only got wet towards the end ...
Got Mum a card and some chocolates .... gave them to her on Thursday as she has been away for a few days ... just got back today.
School holidays already ....
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Mar 27, 2006
Oh dear, it was pity of you that it was not good weather weekend
It's getting warmer and warmer here
Glad to know that you gave something to your mum
Does Scott keep playing golf with you? I think he has grown up, and no more
Good for you to enjoy lots of things with your lads
Remember, in Japan, all new season for schools, jobs begins in April and end the middle of March of next year
So, it's rather busier season for both s, Parents, teachers, "freshmen/women" to start their new life
So, we've got 2 weeks Spring holidays @ schools, more than 2 months Spring holidays for University Students
... Of course no Spring holidays for us, adult
And from middle of July to the end of August, we've got Summer holidays for s, longest holidays of the year... then 2 weeks Winter holidays
Most unwelcomed seasons(holidays) for MOTHERS
, you know
As for me, all the time, it's like Sunday
Poole Pirate
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 27, 2006
Yes Scott still plays ... but not as much now. At the moment he is just about to start his last School Exams before going to college ....
I think our school holidays are much the same ... two weeks about to start .... 6-7 weeks in the summer , plus a few other half terms and bank holidays .... how nice would it be to be able to go back to school
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Mar 28, 2006
College, Scott!!!!, COLLEGE
I thought he was still little school
s grow up quickly
But most of fathers and mothers like them to be at schools/colleges/universities.... lol
Lucky me, no children, no hus, no worry about them
Though I feel very lonely sometimes.. I miss my granie so much and my grandad, too
... But I know I feel more free and no one can control "naughy cheeky selfish
", me
even I, myself, can't control this
, why other person can control me
I'll have the last class for school girl for this month
But, afterwards I'll have Spring holidays
OOOOhhhhh, we had "SPRING STORM" today... strong wind, heavy rain but this means Spring in Japan has come, indeed
How are you, Chris? How's your knee?
Hope not so strong pain you have
Take Care
Poole Pirate
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 28, 2006
Yep .... Scott now 16 wayne 20 next month ....
Weather still not so good here ........ havent been doing much ... therefore not much to tell
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Mar 29, 2006
16!!, SOCTT
ooooohhhh, YOUNG
One thing that I want to make it clear.
Is the COLLEGE in the UK means... 2-year semi-university, or 3-4 year academic school that only has one or two faculties? Like Medical "college", or ex-politech kind of professional school?
I always am confused with this word, COLLEGE
Here in Japan, we call College as 2-year university and 4-year university that has only specific faculties....
To me, when I hear college in the UK, it assocates with lots of colleges in one university... like Marton college, tritnity college in the Universty of Cambridge whereas I hear college in the US, it'll be the same with us
Anyway, it's such a lovely news that he'll go to a college
Poole Pirate
Billy60 ... Posted Mar 29, 2006
go to SCHOOL until aged 16 .... if they choose to they then go onto COLLEGE , 2 years further education. I f they still wish to continue learning from age 18 it is then that they go to university for 2 to 4 years ...
Wayne went to college ... but only stayed for a year because he decided he wanted a job instead ...
I finished school at 16 and went straight to work
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted Apr 4, 2006
Lovely to know that Scott will have higher education
, though I know British education has established very highly and children study/learn very high education til they finish secondery school comparing with Japanese education system
Believe you me, Japanese teenager can't do anything without adult support. I mean most of them are always PASSIVE. They don't have any plan for their future even they become adult (20 year old )
My grandad got Doctor of Medical
, my uncle was a
, my other uncle died 2 weeks before I was born. He was killed with car accident before he graduated university. My dad hate studying (resisted to my grandparents), so quitted university, My
(hope you know who) didn't get higher education, my brother also quitted a kind of low leveled "politech", his wife only loves cook (good for housewife) lol
My granie got rather higher education as her age , but not more higher education....
then.... even though I've got MA( English Literature) (higher education, you know).... I missed getting any chance to go ahead
... dropped off
That's is the life, isn't it
I watched "Two for the Money". Fairy good one, I recommend you to watch if you can
What do you think of my mail for April Fool
I do love SWEETY
Chat soon Chris
Taeko xxxxx
Poole Pirate
Sakaijenne Posted May 31, 2006
It's been AGES since I met you LAST.
How are you?
Me.... GRRRRRRRR After long-lasted emotional uneasiness, I've got a "TAEKO COLD" since last Monday Yup, again I've got a difficulty of speaking Japanese... lol I speak Japanese VERY SLOWLY.
But don't worry, it happens time to time like having a cold.
The thing is that my subscribed extra medications to make me relaxed
It seems that England is getting far far far FAAAAARRRRR away.
But, as you know that I'm such a stubborn minded , why I give up going there to tease YOU
Chat soon, Chris
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Poole Pirate
- 21: Sakaijenne (Mar 25, 2006)
- 22: Billy60 ... (Mar 25, 2006)
- 23: Sakaijenne (Mar 25, 2006)
- 24: Billy60 ... (Mar 25, 2006)
- 25: Sakaijenne (Mar 25, 2006)
- 26: Sakaijenne (Mar 25, 2006)
- 27: Billy60 ... (Mar 25, 2006)
- 28: Sakaijenne (Mar 27, 2006)
- 29: Billy60 ... (Mar 27, 2006)
- 30: Sakaijenne (Mar 27, 2006)
- 31: Billy60 ... (Mar 27, 2006)
- 32: Sakaijenne (Mar 28, 2006)
- 33: Billy60 ... (Mar 28, 2006)
- 34: Sakaijenne (Mar 29, 2006)
- 35: Billy60 ... (Mar 29, 2006)
- 36: Sakaijenne (Apr 4, 2006)
- 37: Sakaijenne (May 31, 2006)
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