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hi taeko
kbrtiata Posted May 16, 2007
Hi Jim, I do hope this thread still work
Really lovely to hear from you again.
I saw a picture on your space. Is it of Howarth??? I looks like so
And could you tell me which mail address is the best for you to contact
I'm okay, just feel a bit uneasy as I can't find any place to make me relaxed at the mo. But whenever I pop into here or I hear from you or my overseas friends, I feel really better even it's temprary relief. I really miss England and France.. I'm worried if I can't go over there ever for ever ... But at the same time I don't think it's a 'DREAM' and I think it's one of my PLAN... you know what I mean. I do hope I can go asap
Well, well I am really glad that you keep in touch with me though I'm very lazy to reply
It's getting sticky and sticky, hotter and hotter... Rainy season is appraching here.. I miss dry English summer, too
Hope you're fine and enjoy yourserlf,
Take Care, Jim.
hi taeko
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted May 16, 2007
hi taeko
i have three emails, they are all on my space, the active one is for my home addy, the other two i can only get at the library when i use the pc.
you wouldnt like england at the moment, its ben raining for day.
i will be changing the howarth one, for a town center one, but moving the howarth one down the page a bit.
ive been ocupied with the turning up of my 41 yr old son, he was born on the 1st of feb 1966.
he is in london, so if or when we get to meet, it will be probably around september.
you take care, as i care jim xx
hi taeko
kbrtiata Posted May 20, 2007
Hi Jim,
I'll mail you soon
Glad to know that your son lives in London, one of my favourite cities like Yorkshire
Such a lovely coinsidence that both dialects/accents, London accent and York accent, are closed to me lol I liko English accent, anyway
I know that there are rarely fine day in England except for May/June, but I prefer English, European dry weather to Japanese sticky weather if you were here, you hate Japanese sticky heat
though we have really lovely 4 seasons.
your son is 2 years younger than me... lol I get already 44 though
Well, take care Jim, and thank you so much for your friendship
See you soon, Jim,
Taeko x
hi taeko
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted May 20, 2007
hi taeko
im doing a guide entry soon on the main bradfrod landmarks, there is a picture on the top of my space, called centenery square, its across form the front of the town hall here, the screen on the far wall is where the bradford people watched the football world cup.
i hoping that the h2g2 people, editors or someone will also do me some pics of the townhall, the alambra, howarth main st, the potographic museum, and the imax cimema. and any others i might add to the gide, you could say it will the old to the new of bradford, jim xxxx
hi taeko
kbrtiata Posted May 21, 2007
Hi Jim,
Glad to know that you're trying guide entry. it must be interesting
And your current sapce is also interesting as your picture on the top of your space changes time to time
Take Care,
Taeko x
hi taeko
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted May 22, 2007
hi taeko
ive started the guide, it will give you a llok into the old and new of the center of bradford by the time ive finished, ive only covered the town hall for now.
- jim xx
hi taeko
kbrtiata Posted May 27, 2007
Hi Jim
Thank you for telling me your entry page
I'm crossing my fingers for you to complete it
It's been fine day here and cooler outside than inside. There is comfortable breeze outside. Sky is very clear. It a bit good time just before gloomy rainy season here in japan in June.
Take Care, Jim,
Chat soon
Taeko x
hi taeko
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted May 28, 2007
hi taeko
its bank holiday mondy here today, and we have the tipical cold, wet windy day.
ive a friend that will be editing the bradford guide when its done, ive done the second part on another page, to transfer across to the main one, when its finished, im only doing the town and about half mile to the outer part.
take care jimbob xxxx
hi taeko
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 13, 2007
hi taeko
havent heard from you in a long time, i hope you are well.
the guide i wrote as been added to the edited guide,
its on the hitory of the town center buildings from 1850,s bradford.
take care jim
hi taeko
kbrtiata Posted Aug 18, 2007
Hi Jim,
Just a short msg. I'm so sorry for not popping into here as I'm dying with sweltering terribel heat in Japan.
As you know, I am really weak with hot weather. I'm almos melting with the heat
I hope this terrible heat will disappear, at least, next month.
Then I'll come here more often than now
and I'll read your article. I promise. So Please wait for me with patient
I heard that it's coller in England now. Although it's horribly cold, I prefer English weather to Japanese one
I really miss England.
well, I'll take Caer, so please take care of yourself,
Take caer Jim
Taeko xxx
hi taeko
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Aug 19, 2007
hi taeko
we have had really bad weather here, a lot of towns and villages have been flooded, lots of water damage.
where i live im about a mile or so from the town of bradford, and its on like a hill, so the rain just runs off down the street into the drains.
when you feel a lot better, look on my personal space, and you will see the blueyonder email addy.
send me an email and i will send you the pics i took of bradford, that are part of the guide i did.
take care, and i hope the cooler weather come for you soon, we need your warm weather here,or some of it lol take care jim xxx
hi taeko
kbrtiata Posted Oct 11, 2007
Hi Jim,
sorry for not popping into here for long time.
How are you? Hope you're fine and enjoy yourself.
At last, it gets cooler here now
My favourite season is approaching
Take Care and have a lovely time,
hi taeko
Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. Posted Oct 12, 2007
hi taeko
you take it easy, dont overdoe things.
i go to a cybercafe about dinnertime, my time, its a pity you arnt on then, i have a cam, and depending on the pc i can use sound to.
take care jim xxx
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hi taeko
- 41: kbrtiata (May 16, 2007)
- 42: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (May 16, 2007)
- 43: kbrtiata (May 20, 2007)
- 44: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (May 20, 2007)
- 45: kbrtiata (May 21, 2007)
- 46: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (May 22, 2007)
- 47: kbrtiata (May 27, 2007)
- 48: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (May 28, 2007)
- 49: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 13, 2007)
- 50: kbrtiata (Aug 18, 2007)
- 51: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Aug 19, 2007)
- 52: kbrtiata (Oct 11, 2007)
- 53: Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home. (Oct 12, 2007)
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