This is the Message Centre for Bethabubble

Hi Bethy

Post 1

Diane B

How are you? I thought i would leave you a message on here for a change. We went away at the weekend and it was really nice, we went to the Lake District and the place is so pretty. I have never been to Scotland, but would love to go, but there i would have thought that was where we were as it is so mountainus. It took my breath round every corner. So what are you up to recently and how are you feeling at the mo. I keep e mailing Val (he he) and it is really nice to speak with more confidence and private too. I see Milly is back bless ((((Milly)))) are you also in contact with her too? Anyway must dash lots of smiley - lovesmiley - rosesmiley - hug Diane xxx

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Hi Bethy

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