This is the Message Centre for boxing-baboon
Researcher 240878 Posted Sep 29, 2003
yeah i had to leave you a msg to get your forum number for your guest book n this is the thread that it will come to once used so never unsubscribe to guest book thread glad you liked the
i baked it myself no help form a
whats so ever
well have a good night n i'll catch up with you soon, sams got your forum number by the way
boxing-baboon Posted Sep 29, 2003
thanks any mate of sams is a friend of mine take care
Researcher 240878 Posted Sep 30, 2003
morning mate had a look at your guest book n it didnt work, so took a look at your guide ML, i see your using the forum version, i gave you the number for the in replyto version
well you can either change it to in reply to (same as sams) or i will need to get you another number so let me know
boxing-baboon Posted Sep 30, 2003
ill have a look later this evening if thats ok mate im waiting for telewest to come sort me system out havent a 1 single channel on for days . i,ll have a look at me guest book change it like sams
Researcher 240878 Posted Sep 30, 2003
when ever you get the chance mate, just send a msg when its done i'll check it works for you, if you change it to the same as sams then you use the number i already gace you
so your on t/west wast of space there are in my OPINION
you wonna call customers servic n see a bout a bit of compo
well got to catch you later
boxing-baboon Posted Oct 1, 2003
thanks mate changed it like sams would have got back earlier but my email as just come back on lol. when you have time will you check to see if its workng
Researcher 240878 Posted Oct 1, 2003
hiya mate, did you get your channels sorted
hope you rang up n gave them
n asked for compo
if its not one thing it's another with them
s at t/west
i'll check your guestbook as soon as im back on pc,(been booted of)
i'll post you as soon as i have checked it,
well gotta loads of decorating to do n i ave been trying my best not to start it
catch ya later
Researcher 240878 Posted Oct 1, 2003
hiya just checked your guest book n yep, it's working see you in the travellers rest sometime i hope hers the link to it, drop by n say hi to a few ppl
A1303345 catch ya later
Researcher 240878 Posted Oct 1, 2003
your welcome to have a few bottles bu the first one only is free what you trying to do to me
put me out of business
drop by any time
boxing-baboon Posted Oct 1, 2003
hiya mate tried to send meself a message in my guestbook and it ended up on this thread why?lmao
Researcher 240878 Posted Oct 2, 2003
hiya mate the msg you sent yourself came to this thread becouse your using inrepyto guestbook, this means that any msg sent via your guestbook ends up in one thresd(thisone) if you used the oher guestbook style(formumthread) then every msg sent via your guestbook would have its own seprate thread, when i collect your forum number i have to send you a msg in order that the number for that thread appears in my browser,and the number i gave you was for this thread,
if however you want to create a diff thread and a new subject for that thread then pls let me know, but i would still have to send a msg to obtain the thread number. hope that wasnt to hard to follow, now for typing all this out you can buy me in the travellers rest just leave it in the till
GrifterGal Posted Oct 2, 2003
hiya Martin hun Grifter Gal here
thought i,d drop by to say hi
i,m 32 female and live in London with my fiance Ron and my two i collect collectable dolls, and teapots and i,m a drima workshop leader
chat soon
Grifter Gal
boxing-baboon Posted Oct 2, 2003
think ive chatted to you in yoome lol yeah my mum collects dolls porcelain 1s she as about 45 of them . allsorts big small im single no kids hun
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- 1: Researcher 240878 (Sep 29, 2003)
- 2: boxing-baboon (Sep 29, 2003)
- 3: Researcher 240878 (Sep 29, 2003)
- 4: boxing-baboon (Sep 29, 2003)
- 5: Researcher 240878 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 6: boxing-baboon (Sep 30, 2003)
- 7: Researcher 240878 (Sep 30, 2003)
- 8: boxing-baboon (Oct 1, 2003)
- 9: Researcher 240878 (Oct 1, 2003)
- 10: Researcher 240878 (Oct 1, 2003)
- 11: boxing-baboon (Oct 1, 2003)
- 12: Researcher 240878 (Oct 1, 2003)
- 13: boxing-baboon (Oct 1, 2003)
- 14: Researcher 240878 (Oct 1, 2003)
- 15: boxing-baboon (Oct 1, 2003)
- 16: boxing-baboon (Oct 1, 2003)
- 17: Researcher 240878 (Oct 2, 2003)
- 18: boxing-baboon (Oct 2, 2003)
- 19: GrifterGal (Oct 2, 2003)
- 20: boxing-baboon (Oct 2, 2003)
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