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The Traveller's Rest now open

Hi everyone, i would just like to announce that The Traveller's Rest is now open for business, follow the link and click on the room you would like to visit, A1303345 may i point out that the celler and office is out of bound except for staff,
any one wanting to apply for a job can you pls see my co owener tartan totty U234607 she has all the relavent aplicatin forms
thanx for all your suport in re-opening The Traveller's Rest
i hope that you will all join me and totty in a celabrationary smiley - alesmiley - bubbly and hope that you and your friends will drop by. you will recive the warmest of welcomes, and served with a smile
smiley - devil

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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2003

staff required at the travellers rest

The Travellers Rest A1160812 is now open. We are currenty recruting staff, there are vaccancys for the following posts
Barmaid....2 postitions
Barman.....1 postition
Cleaner....2 part time postitions
Chef/Cook..2 postitions

If you think you have what it takes and up to the chalange then pls feel free to ask tartan~totty U234607 for an aplication part of the biggest thing on h2g2
thank you
smiley - devil

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Latest reply: Sep 2, 2003

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