This is the Message Centre for Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

Millipede update?

Post 1


Hi, Von Von. smiley - smiley

Just wondering how things are with your millipedes these days. I still think it's extraordinary that you get so many. Did you manage to get rid of 'em in the end? Or did you make friends with 'em?

Millipede update?

Post 2

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

Hi Sideliner!

The millepedes have mosty left my house actually smiley - smiley, probably beacause it's cold or maybe because they knew a hurricane was coming!

Millipede update?

Post 3


smiley - yikes I saw that hurricane on the news. Aren't you supposed to be evacuating?

Millipede update?

Post 4


Er... North Carolina....

Not living on The Outer Banks, are you? smiley - yikes

Millipede update?

Post 5

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

sorry this took so long, the power went out because of the hurricane....
I live near Raleigh the capital, so we got the very edge of the hurricane and didn't have to evaccuate. smiley - smiley

Millipede update?

Post 6


Phew! smiley - biggrin

Nice to see you've got your electricity back. Was there much damage?

Millipede update?

Post 7

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

Not around here, although there was one big tree down on my street.
The real trouble is on the coast. I think that it's gotten NC declared a nationl disaster area, although I'm not sure.

Millipede update?

Post 8


Well, I guess it sorted out the millipede problem. smiley - biggrin

Millipede update?

Post 9

Researcher 239363, (Mandy)

I hope so...... We vacumed a lot of debris out of our pool and I think we took most of the millipedes with it. smiley - smiley

Millipede update?

Post 10


My partner (to whom I've been blathering about your hurricane) has this message for you:

You need to get yourself a crank-powered computer in case your electricity goes again. There's plenty of cranks on the internet: just give 'em your email address and you'll be sorted.

We hope that helps. smiley - winkeye

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