This is the Message Centre for Researcher 239363, (Mandy)
dim12trav Started conversation Aug 19, 2003
I too am an American user of the H2G2 message board.
I am wondering if we can turn Bush in to the war crimes tribunal in the Hague? Let's give it a try.
Researcher 239363, (Mandy) Posted Aug 19, 2003
I am totaly with you on that one, the problem is figurng out how to do it without Bush cheating or escaping through a loop hole like he normaly does.!
Von Von
serial number Posted Aug 19, 2003
I'm with both of you, and I'm glad to hear, though not surprised, that an american wants the world to give the US president the lashing he deserves. I used to live in the states, but I haven't been back for almost three years now, just wondering, how many americans dislike bush? I know the gallup polls are good and all, but really what does it feel like in the US? Do most people want him for another term? Although he has no problem waging war and keeping his citizen patriotic, as being involved in wars tend to do to a populace, it really can't be all that is needed to be re-elected... right... I mean really... right? Off with his head.
for now just another number
David B - Singing Librarian Owl Posted Aug 19, 2003
I thought it had been arranged that American personnel were not accountable to the war crimes tribunal in the Hague? Or is that general anti-US nonsense, which we get quite a bit of in the UK?
David - who also finds Bush objectionable
serial number Posted Aug 19, 2003
Yeah I remember reading something similar to what you said Dewey demon, in a paper a while back. I think what happened was that although the international tribunal could charge US personnel with war crimes, the US would first decide if they thought what had been committed was regarded as a war crime, before 'choosing' to send them over to the Hague... What a wonderfully efficient and fair judicial process the international community has created eh?
Researcher 239363, (Mandy) Posted Aug 19, 2003
well i live in Chapel Hill, a very democratic town, so i very rarely meet any Bush supporters, but as far as i can tell more and more americans are realizing his many many faults. As far as i can tell he doesn't stand a chance in the next election as long as he doesn't cheat......again.
Von Von
dim12trav Posted Aug 20, 2003
Remember Slobodan Milosovic? It was hard to get him to the tribunal and it would be more difficult to get Bush without a major military coup and that has never happened. We here in America have not agreed to submit to the war crimes process for just this reason.
However, that doesn't mean that Bush isn't guilty of war crimes. He manufactured the reasons for going to war and managed to get his good buddies to take over the French and German contracts for oil. He continues to allow the locals to rule themselves now that Hussein is out of power. Because we "handle" their oil for them we manage to siphon funds that the Iraqis should be getting. Plenty of reasons for the tribunal but I dont see it happening soon if ever.
serial number Posted Aug 20, 2003
Of course, the notion of successfully getting Bush put on trial in the Hague is pure nonsense. If one merely looks at the distribution of power in the international community its easy to see why. I mean the US would be the pride of the earth should we ever need to resist an armed invasion by extra terrestrials. (though even Will Smith's humour and Bill Putman... what's his name... couldn't use all of the US nuclear might to fend them off in Independence day) If one looks beyond the military, all of the major institutions governing world trade and the direction of a not-so-fully-understood globalization process are dominated by the US. (yeah and the UN isn't any better I know, hello the Cold War ended a decade ago right?) Within the World Bank and the IMF the US and Britain combined have a voting power equal to 21% against the remainer of the world scrounging for the left overs. Today military might is a final solution, but I think everyone wants to avoid that after Hitler gave it a bad name, so behind the power lies the money. Like dim12trav mentioned, a successful coup would be needed to bring him to 'justice'. Seeing as though all the US soldiers are busy warring in Iraq I guess that won't happen anytime soon. Instead a friend of mine, an activist who participates as one of the masked demonstrators at anti-capitalist rallies, proposed another option. In his, or their, extreme view the world needs to oppose the might of the US by undermining the economic process. Since 'we' can't trust the politicians and businessmen not to be greedy, we have to create small local insurgencies against the economic wealth of our own communities. Most people, including myself, are highly sceptical, but most local businesses are no longer local. We are the customers of large multinationals, the same companies who commit tax fraud and love to speculate of foreign markets... markets foreign enough that the western world won't care much should it crumble that country's economy... My point is to get Bush, we need to get his power, so steal his campaign money, don't buy NIKE...
serial number
serial number Posted Aug 20, 2003
one more thing, NIKE was a bad choice, rather ride your bike, then the motor industry would shrink and gas consumption fall...
dim12trav Posted Aug 21, 2003
Think globally, live locally.
Be as indepedent as is possible, indepedent from the power grid, independent from the int'l agribusiness, indepedent as you can be from the employment/money/credit system.
There is no place where this global monster does not or cannot go/control us but we can be as indepedent as we can.
Remember there are cameras everywhere.
Read the Bible.
So we really want to survive this?
roundbrackets Posted Aug 29, 2003
I doubt it see, since American soldiers can not be tried for war crimes it seems unlikely that the commander in chief can. See for example:
I find it absurd, but I guess it makes sense to someone.
Since recall seems so popular right now, perhaps one should try to recall W?
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: dim12trav (Aug 19, 2003)
- 2: Researcher 239363, (Mandy) (Aug 19, 2003)
- 3: serial number (Aug 19, 2003)
- 4: David B - Singing Librarian Owl (Aug 19, 2003)
- 5: serial number (Aug 19, 2003)
- 6: Researcher 239363, (Mandy) (Aug 19, 2003)
- 7: dim12trav (Aug 20, 2003)
- 8: serial number (Aug 20, 2003)
- 9: serial number (Aug 20, 2003)
- 10: dim12trav (Aug 21, 2003)
- 11: roundbrackets (Aug 29, 2003)
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