This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1




Post 2


You awake then? I assumed you had gone into winter hibernation.

Everything OK chez Brain?



Post 3


He lost his password when I cleared cookies.. found on old netbook.

Exam season. Hibernation with stacks of scripts next week.

cheers and good wishes to both



Post 4


Hello. I missed your note at the time it went up. I'm not much around hootoo anymore.

Anyhow, S and I are KOKOing. Not much alternative. S had a knee replacement in November and is recovering at K. I am in Aberdeen. S has only recently been able to start getting around a bit and before that was suffering from cabin fever. We're over the hump now. She has had a few outings and is within a couple of weeks of being able to get back behind the wheel.

K is warmer on account of a new gas boiler having been fitted. It has been a wet though not madly freezing December in K and we are close to the Don (which has not flooded), not the Dee (which has). such is the pressure for housing up here than many new homes have been built on flood plains. Many new homeowners will have had a sobering yulemas into hogmanay.

Hope all's well wi' you and yours.


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