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The cold was a bad one

Post 1


My lungs still feel 10ft above my head. S is also still recovering.

We had a wee road trip yesterday, with Zomb F, to Lunan Bay. We then went to Arbroath and, on the way home, to Stonehaven. Arbroath has a far better town centre than Montrose, and the harbour is quite nice, but as in many Scottish towns one regrets the lack of granite.

I have finished my marking. I have one batch of scripts to submit but they have been marked and I am going to review them tomorrow before handing them in - I want to be absolutely sure.

Then the next horrible job will kick off.

S and I went to Elgin this morning so that I could buy a music system for a tenner - it is for the cubbyhole, and is actually quite good spec. We came back via Lossiemouth, which is prosperous. The RAF base there has been under threat, but with all these Russian bombers having to be escorted out of airspace these days maybe a reprieve might be on the cards. We also went through Keith and Fochabers. And a ruined castle, nearby Gordonstoun.

I have just seen in iTunes a whole heap of 70s Peter Maxwell Davies stuff, with Fires of London, at £4 a pop. I like PMD. I remember seeing ...Mad King in the Elphinstone in the 80s.

It strikes me that if things go the way they are looking like they might that JK Rowling would make a good Scottish President. She can handle the trolls and her heart is in the right place. I saw a coupla nat-trolls on the news last night trolling Jim Murphy ahead of his confidence motion meeting - nasty vile things, to take so much joy and to express it so unpleasantly over another's misfortunes.

Macbeth on BBC R3 tonight.

I am thinking about going to the Mike Leigh Pirates of Penzance at the flicks this week.

Reading Deathly Hallows and George Farquhar plays. Watching... not much. Listening to BBC R3. Miah is well. Susan is (mostly) well. Nice day today. Nice day (mostly) yesterday.

rkjbntn4oiebm fgi4-

The cold was a bad one

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hello Douglas. Please would you copy this to Caius.

I plan an MTh in theological personalism, that is, the ontological personalism of the Trinity and the phenomenological personalism of the Word, which I was telling you about in 2007. (Someone has plagiarised these ideas from this Journal, in Hungary, I am told.) Then a doctorate in the reception of the Hebrew Bible in the ecclesial community in which it is heard. BUT I am working with the Bible as a Hebrew text. So I don't know how to do it, yet. Text and community, and so on. The Hebrew textuality, as compared with e.g. that of the Greek New Testament.

Anyway, the Bible as read in community, still thinking about it. Obviously we read in translation. So I don't know how to do it. Just got to think.

I have had a terrible time mentally since we last met, and I plan to do my research here in Cape Town. Aberdeen would be nice; Oxford would be better; but I can't cope any more with all that moving around, I have to stay here, my mind is improving in terms of cognitive skill, but in terms of practical life, I find things difficult. I am going to Jerusalem this winter (August) to improve my Hebrew. It will be 20 days of 4 hours a day in one month, I will return either fluent and confidently competent in Hebrew, or a dribbling loony.

Trust all well with you in the Lordship of God.


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