This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


It's nippy-fingers cold.

We went out for Indian food last night. It was underwhelming.

I have a tooth that may require attention.

I am at K. There is an hour and a bit of daylight left. S stayed at the flat last night. We were supposed to go to Dundee today to see James and the Giant Peach at the Rep but there weren't tickets for us so the plan fizzled out.

S is four sessions into her radiotherapy. Eleven more to go, plus a coupla months of herceptin.

I took Miah out backie yesterday afternoon and she was up in the trees, having a ball.

We have bright sun and clear skies but glass-like pavements. I can't wait for the holidays to be over but I don't want them to end.

Oh, S and I saw a coupla Tati films on Friday. Fete and Holiday. I'll maybe go to see Uncle tomorrow.

sa,dubfbvfmd bpdfib mc


Post 2


It's cold everywhere in the UK. Foggy today in the west of Scotland below about 200 m but sunny higher up with amazing views.

Hope you and Sue have a much better year in 2015.



Post 3


One can hope.

We have plans in for a self-build on a sub-division behind Sue's late Mum's house

Anyhow, regards to the both of you. Hae a guid yin.


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