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A little eldritch darkness

Post 1


...oozed into the Law School this morning. An Amazon parcel for Drugless, but Drugless never gets Amazon parcels (D is in this respect the anti-Peet) - he rarely gets post, so, by any standards an occasion...

And what was in the parcel? A wonderful US-import edition complete annotated illustrated indexed and generally gussied up into a volume of some luxury Works of Howard Phillip Lovecraft, the only theological writer of any note, recorder of the only remotely persuasive cosmology; introduced by Alan Moore.

The admin were amaz'd, and S, when I phoned her, was tickled pink. I let her touch the volume. Briefly.

S has mostly bounced back post Chemo 5 (of 6). We worked out last night that she has gone to the flicks on her own three times in the last fortnight, and me not once, tho' there is a Halloween showing of the Night of the Living Dead at the Belmont Filmhouse on Friday and I am going with one of the acads, who has never seen it before and admits to being a bit of a wuss -I have told him that it is a gentle comedy of manners. It will be interesting to see the effect the film has on him. When it came out it was shown to, among others, matinee performances of 9 year-olds, and it is difficult but fascinating to imagine the kind of effect it must have had.

But, thanks are due to PJ's OH. I have your name now. Thanks from me and from S. You made our day - dash it! week if not month.

dvbefpogj4rtgjdcm psjbwei0rm[wernbo

A little eldritch darkness

Post 2


You're welcome.


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A little eldritch darkness

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