This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain


Post 1


I sauntered into town and had a bacon & egg butty with OJ and an Americano. I pootered around the shops awhile, then came home. Town was quiet.

I have the washing on. Loadsa washing. Miah is asleep in the LR. Snags for tea. Susan will be hom around 7-ish.

We may go to see her mother tomorrow. Monday is a holiday, and I am set on seeing the new The Girl...

I see that some of the Picturehouse Cinemas will be showing Carl Dreyer's Vampyr in January, with live music by Steve Severen, as in he of the Banshees. It is a tour, and it will be in Embra on 18/1. I am tempted to go, tho' it will rather be Goth central. I like Goths. I sympathise with them, and appreciate their dogged anachronism.

Susan's car. Automatic. Transmission failure. £3,000 to fix, BUT.. warranty comes to the rescue, and she has a loaner to tide her over.

Best wishes for Prince Philip.

Cauld day. Nae nice.



Post 2


Best wishes to you and Susan for the non-shopping Sunday.

Do you know the Prof. of Dermatology?

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