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Back from down South

Post 1


I spent a day doing a job in a project run by a fa*th group. There were over 100 of them, all around me, and I felt like Donald Sutherland in the Cronenberg Remake, which is the superior version. The FGs were nice, and they made me welcome, but I left the place glad not to be mixed up in all that malarkey.

I may have maligned a city in the North of E. I apologise. Having seen more of it, I am now persuaded that it may possess some merits. The Victorian architecture is stunning.

I got pursued by a beggar last niight but his inebriation plus my desire to escape lent wings to my flight and I sped away from him. His shouted insult was "F you monkey nuts!" I was taken with the insult.

Seven hours there and seven hours back. Horrible trains. Down most of the way in darkness. Home in an overheated carriage.

Steak pie for tea. Tatties and mucho veg. A bottlie. A flick.


Back from down South

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Cronenberg Remake - different movie, just as good in its own, 70s way.

Back from down South

Post 3


If you go again, try to get to Salt's Mill
We used to go occasionally when we lived in Manchester. Usually something interesting in the galleries and the cafe is good.

Titus Salt was one of those semi-benign Victorian capitalists along the lines of Owen, Bright and Lever. The surrounding houses were all built as workers' accommodation. Small to our eyes but probably a lot better than other choices 150 years ago.

Do you feel soiled by taking money from PORFs? Or are you working on the cab rank principle?

Best wishes to you and Susan


Back from down South

Post 4


PJ's Oh - I saw an obituary in today's Independent: Keef Hartley.

Ver sad.


Back from down South

Post 5


There's a name I haven't heard for a long time. The Grauniad seems to have missed it.


Back from down South

Post 6


Salt's Mill (and Saltaire in general, in fact) is great. Longstanding connection with David Hockney, who is a big favourite of mine.

Back from down South

Post 7


I agree about the Hockneys's Annie.
We saw the first exhibition when he came back from California in the 90's. However, I didn't want to mention Hockney as Douglas is a bit of an old fogey, and I haven't seen him express his preferences on the subject of paintings.

Apropos Hockney, did you see the cartoon on the letters page of yesterday's Grauniad review section?


Back from down South

Post 8



I'll have you know that I have the rep in the law school of being a wild and crazzzzy guy. A real parrrtay animal.

Hockney is the Alan Bennett lookalike who mumps on all the time about smoking - see, I'm not wholly uninformed. Beryl Cook is his mum.

Up early - 7am, Monday 5th Dec. Made Susan's lunch sammiches. Pitch black outside. Consign'd Miah to the darkness. We watched Splice last night - a ver' good ver' gripping genetic science horrorflick. Susan liked it. She liked the previous evening's Mimic, G. de Toro's first film in English.

I have a lot to do today.


Back from down South

Post 9


Hello PJ's OH!

No, didn't see the Grauniad cartoon, and have just tried and failed to find it online. smiley - sadface

What I love about Hockney is that he is constantly reinventing himself, and trying out new media. And he has dachshunds - my favourite kind of dog.

I do agree with Douglas that the banging on about smoking gets a bit tedious, though.

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