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Post 1


Castille de Monseran '09. A big (ro)busty red with a boquet like I've never encountered before.

Chilli burger. Banoffe cheescake. Amongst the weegies.

Susal's hospital - bright, airy, private room, ensuite, freeview, competent friendly helpful staff. A good, reasonably-priced cafe. Under the knife tomorrow.

Practically as good as a hoiday.

So, in the bar, two workmates (or mabye friends on their way back from chapel); he goes to get the drinks and she very deliberately and very carefully adjusts her decolletage so as to optimise deployment. He ain't much of a catch - in a tracksuit, a scuzzier version of Davie Baddiel. Anyhow, she is sitting up straight, chest thrown forward, then bending over so as to fiddle with her shoestraps under the table, then is hefting her chest about and showing the guy photos of her, taken using her phone, in an even more low-cut top, and I am starting to cotton on to the not-too subtle messages getting sent out, i.e don't objectify me you disgusting Baddiel-resembling slob, but look at my...

Anyhow, 'tis what I saw; I do no more than report. I wish them both joy in their lives - I wish the whole world joy; a testiment, surely, to some demme fine banoffee cheesecake.

Lord Rodger has died. Tragic. A light in the House of Lords, a demme fine judge.



Post 2


Oh, and I meant to say - Radio 4 cut out on the hospital freeview at 5pm, and Susan missed Broadcasting House. Apparently, the BBC news and quality speech radion stations get knocked off in the evening to make room for BBC HaggaHooogaHeedrumHodrum. Terrible. I told Susan that she should contact Points of View.



Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Best wishes to Susan at this demanding time.


Post 4


Yes. best wishes from me as well. It's a good hospital. My mother was very well looked after there a few years ago.

The cafe is good (at least my nephews enjoyed the macaroni and chips) but try afternoon tea in the hotel lobby if you fancy something a bit more refined.



Post 5



Afternoon tea sounds nice and I will try to, but Susan is now on sitting height limitations and loads of other 'don't break what we've just fixed' rules.

Anyhow, update - Op done, patient well. I didn't get to visit her tonight (Tuesday) as my job in Glasgow ran over a bit, and it would have been midnight before I got home. I'd have stayed in the hotel, but I hadn't anough clothes with me to do the extra overnight. As it wis, everthing has had to go into the machine. Hot day. Schlepping big bags.

Miah gave me a five second welcome then bugged to get out. I think that tonight may turn into a Three Mouse Night.



Post 6


Oh, and by the way


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