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Stress. Anxiety

Post 1


Up at 7. Make Susan's lunch. Start shifting kitchen white goods. Disconnect cooker. Disconnect washing machine (silicone spray needed). Wait. Pay window cleaner. Ask cooker delivery men to hold off an hour. Let the lino fitters do their job. Let the cooker delivery men do theirs. Shift the kitchen white goods back into position, reconnect &c. Work out how to use the cooker. Make tea (mince n' veg). Feed cat. Have breakfast. Put cat out. Clean up the mess. Take the old lino to the bin. Have shower. Deal with family law query.

Shifting the freezer and washing machine and fridge... not fun. Lovely bonny new kitchen lino divoted within hours of being laid - moving washing machines &c is not a one man job.

In the afternoon de-escilate anxiety levels. Horrible day.

It was a bonny bricht temperate mild calm day outside, tho' chill.

BT engineer tomorrow re. appycray oadbandbray onnectioncay.

5pm. Still some light in the sky. Pretty, the light today. Lime and limpid green, a second scene


Stress. Anxiety

Post 2


I quite fancy Never Let Me Go.

I also quite fancy True Grit.

Jonh Wayne is surely the most absurd of the American Icons. Maybe there was something there at some stage, but he surely fell in love with his own mythology and sucked himself up his own ass - the JW True Grit was a piece of appcray; pretty much everything JW did from 1950 onwards was apprcray, and if I have to admit to liking The Quiet Man, well, that's more a reflection of my own poor taste than the film's quality. "Woman of the house, where's me tay" - that's a line I try out on Susan from time to time, but it doesn't work, cos' I'm the one who makes the tay.

But a Coen/Bridges 'Grit', that could be good.

John Wayne is a warning that film stars should never believe their own legend.

That's an old old lesson. If I thought for a second that hay-zoos crixx actually existed, I'd cite him as a paradigm case.

Plus, Wayne ran like a girl...


PS.. I dare OH to try out the 'tay' line on his spouse.

Stress. Anxiety

Post 3


I quite fancy Never Let Me Go.

I also quite fancy True Grit.

Jonh Wayne is surely the most absurd of the American Icons. Maybe there was something there at some stage, but he surely fell in love with his own mythology and sucked himself up his own ass - the JW True Grit was a piece of appcray; pretty much everything JW did from 1950 onwards was apprcray, and if I have to admit to liking The Quiet Man, well, that's more a reflection of my own poor taste than the film's quality. "Woman of the house, where's me tay" - that's a line I try out on Susan from time to time, but it doesn't work, cos' I'm the one who makes the tay.

But a Coen/Bridges 'Grit', that could be good.

John Wayne is a warning that film stars should never believe their own legend.

That's an old old lesson. If I thought for a second that hay-zoos crixx actually existed, I'd cite him as a paradigm case.

Plus, Wayne ran like a girl...


PS.. I dare OH to try out the 'tay' line on his spouse.

Stress. Anxiety

Post 4


Hi Douglas - sorry about the stress, and the damaged lino!

I saw a preview of Never Let Me Go last weekend, and thought it was very good (although Keira Knightley is just as annoying as she always is). At the end there was a video link to a Q&A with Ishiguro, which was excellent.

This evening I've been to see Biutiful - again, highly recommended, although unremittingly grim. Javier Bardem is rivetting.

Stress. Anxiety

Post 5


We are not so uncouth in the south. It's more like:
"I say old girl, where's my G&T"


Stress. Anxiety

Post 6

petal jam

You are responsible for your own G&T. My best offer is an organic Brazilian artisan-roasted coffee.

Douglas I can tell you that o/h had a disgruntling day of delay, worry and expense. Phoned me excitedly at about 11 pm to say that they were being held up because of a shooting incident.

Turns out he'd misheard 'firearms' for 'fire alarms.' Deafness and high cholesterol can be a dangerous combination.

Stress. Anxiety

Post 7


Also a pilot with a strong estuarine accent. (Say it to yourself as if you were acting in The Bill).


Stress. Anxiety

Post 8


More anxiety today on account of falling down IT, but the engineer has been and gone and I am typing this in the expectation that it will get posted, beyond which statement I am offering no hostages to fortune.


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