This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Hoy hoy

Post 1


If I was on Facebook I would check out the page.

Anyhow, we watched The Petrified Forest and Race With the devil last night. TPF was ver' good, but RW&c wasn't as good as I remembered it from years back.

Broccoli and stilton soup for tea tonight, methinks.

There was a big pusscat yowlfest at 7am - Mian and the ginger nemesis.

I think I will go to the preview showing of Black Swan tomorrow. It liiks ver' Argento/giallo.

Today I have report-writing and thesis-writing.

It is a bonny morning, and temperate enough for me to be able to air out the house. Miah is beneath the bed. I got Susan to order this for me yesterday. I prefer old SF - yesterday's tomorrows are always seem better to me than today's; where is my rocket pack? where is my personal robot? why can't I eat exotic ethnic food at a local Martian cafe?

I have an annual review meeting at the Uni. tomorrow - hopefully the place will have been swept for IUDs...

I hear geese flying.


Hoy hoy

Post 2


Are you sure you mean IUDs?
I can't see the female staff and students agreeing to an internal cavity search - even if it is to support The War Against Terrorism.


Hoy hoy

Post 3


That kinda thing's always blown up in my face.


Hoy hoy

Post 4


smiley - snork

Hoy hoy

Post 5


Went onto Facebook but couldn't find the page referred to - maybe it's been removed for security reasons!

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