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Post 1




Post 2


Twice I have seen a beautiful fox lolloping across the backie this morning.

I yelled to Susan, Fox Fox Fox...

She yelled back, Pitt Pitt Pitt.

(No she didn't, but it would have been wonderful if she had).

It looks like an OK morning, and I will soon set off to the law school. The walk will be nice. I have four classes today. The washing is done and I am two espressos up on the day.

I don't know what for tea. Maybe chips.

Prof VdM's mini-viva yesterday turns out to have been ver' useful, as I have had all sorts of ideas following it. Michty, maybe that's what supervision is like.

I used to have a line management function for 12 workers, and I had to do supervisions and appraisals. I hated it. I was never any use at it. I hated management, and even more so middle management - you have a target strapped to your back AND your front and it's 24/7 open season. I got out of it with a detestation of organisational structures &c &c and the desire to have as little to do with people as possible. Now, sitting in my thesis chamber, I would suppose that I have become completely unsocialised and, frankly, unemployable in any conventional context, but the funny thing is that I have at least two jobs and by most accounts I'm not that bad at them. Both of them involve elements of performance - I have to flip a switch and change personality, and I can pull off the trick, for a while. It's like the comic book masked superheroes, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, ... make way for Tutorman.

The hologram live show thing (above) is interesting. I would go to see a show like that, and, OK, so it's fake, but probably no less so than most big name pop concerts, Mudonna, Lady Goo Goo &c &c

Japanese pop is quite fascinating.

We got to then end of Torchwood Season 1 last night, and I was able to go straight from that to Dr Who - the eppy featuring Derek Jacobi, a neat segue. It was up on i-Player. I really like Torchwood - didn't see it first time round.



Post 3


They're showing the final of the David Tennant series 2 tonight. The one with John Simm as the Master.



Post 4


I am envious re the fox - saw one in our carpark once, ages ago but never since. A friend in the next street keeps chickens, so hope they were safely closed in their run!


Post 5


I'll be watching the Doctah. Simms was OK first time around, but his reprise of the character was a flop.

I'm really enjoying Torchwood. The team mitigate some of the hokier elements in Russell T's writing.

We have occasional foxes - they're good to see, but I get worried for Miah.



Post 6


I love Torchwood, and was very excited going to Cardiff and seeing the place where they emerge from their HQ ... unfortunately John Barrowman didn't materialise while I was there!

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