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Back fae Peet's

Post 1


He fed me cider and we watched Red. Georgi turned up and announded that he had been scanning his old photos. loadsa good blackmail material.

Watching Helen Mirren firing machine guns at the US security service- a joy.


Back fae Peet's

Post 2


I really don't give much of a demme re. fitba, but neverthrless...



Back fae Peet's

Post 3

petal jam

Ah - the Tims on the attack. Look out for a riposte from o/h who was a Gers supporter in youth, principally becuase his father was not, though he now claims to have no interest in organised ball games of any kind.

Hope you are both keeping well.

Back fae Peet's

Post 4


To oblige my wife:

I supported the berrs because my best friend did. I had no real idea of what football was (and still don't) beyond what I read in the Victor. PJ speaks truthfully in that since about 10 years old I have regarded all ball games as being in the same category as organised religion - you only do it if someone forces you to.

In my early childhood, my father expressed no interest in football (as I remember). It seemed to develop later. Although it seems strange that a churchgoing protestant kid from Mossend (deep Orange Lodge territory) should later claim a lifelong affinity for Celtic.

However, 9-0!!!

If I thought you cared I would offer commiserations.


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