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Post 1


I am currently revising a text of some 30,000 words - common ownership in Scotland from the early Scots law to 1829.

Caius will get it at sometime soon to read.

I will start next week on my 1829-1943 part of the notes - aye, notes! the thesis will need to be started from scratch next autumn.

1943-nowadays is pretty much written up, but will need heavy revision.

Mince n' veg wi' doughballs for tea.

OK day. Chill. Gloomy. Miah is out. it is now near full-on dark.

Muriel's Wedding tonight. Susan will need it after three nights of Michael Myers AKA Halloween in a row.

Rory Gallagher. Great guitarist, first-rate bluesman. Deid. I was listening to one of his discs - German radio sessions from the early 70s. Fabbo.

I overheard something last week - someone was on her mobile in King's Quad talking to a pal -"remember what I said sweetie. Let him down gently."

Hope she wasn't speaking to Susan. I say this because Susan bought home some bags of chocolate covered crystallised ginger last night...



Post 2


Where have you been Douglas? Rory Gallagher died 15 years ago. I saw him several times in Glasgow in my youth. Great live.

I was more saddened to see that Gerard Kelly had died.
I don't know if his fame had spread to Aiberdeen but he was well known in Glasgow, especially for the King's Xmas pantomime.



Post 3


Well, I kent he wis deid but it's only recently that I've come to appreciate how good he was, and the recent German Sessions is a gem.

No, I never saw GK on stage, and it's only last wintermas that I attended my first panto. I'm going back this year. We have Elaine C Smith again. I saw some footage on YouTube of a Gerard Kelly King's panto and, michty, no Aiberdeen audience would ever show itself up by openly enjoying anything quite so much... No, we discretely pass notes up to the stage saying 'look behind you' &c up here.


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