This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Day 1

Post 1


I got through the night with only the one zomb attack, and that turned out to be Miah having a wee hairy mentaller underneath the bed.

I thought it best to cover all the mirrors. I was shuffling from room to toom looking at my feet so as to avoid seeing reflections. Mirrors are nasty pieces of work.

I watched Black Sheep last night. A NZ flick about genetically modified angry carnivorous sheep. Some Kiwi's attempt at a Jackson retread - Braindead or Bad Taste cloned.

It is a dull morning. It was bonny yesterday. The weather is doing a good cop bad cop thang.

Miah stayed with me most of the night, and even joined me in the thesis chamber as I was watching the sheep slasher flick.

I am downloading an old Don Siegel film for tonight. A heist flick.

SO, it's the back of 9. I am up, shower'd and breakfasted and have my pot o' cawffee. The washing is on. I slept with two lights on last night but may be able to scale back to one tonight. Susan will be in her hotel, well breakfast'd, consulting the guide book and participating in planning for the day. If I move more than 25ft - in any direction - from my chair all day the laws of nature will require to be reconsidered.

Pasta n' sauce for tea tonignt.


Day 1

Post 2


Ah, I had meant to say: On Friday evening, after the reception, I was hanging around outside the law school waiting for Susan to come and pick me up, and Dr C passed by me on his way back from a smoke.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"Yes, my wife. She'e going off on holiday tomorrow."

"Where to?"



"Yes, absolutely starving."

I couldn't help myself.


Day 1

Post 3


An own goal. Clever, admittedly, and ver' well executed, but at the rotten heart of it it tells more about its makers than it persuades anyone as to the message. It is an abnegation of conscience, masquerading as conscience. Goebbels would have loved it.


Day 1

Post 4


A continuation of my previous post, but I really need to get down to some work...

People generally say "I'm only joking" only after instances where they have been particularly honest about something.


Day 1

Post 5


Right, I have spent a big chunk of the day trawling thru' Westlaw and Lexis and pulling out materials for my various lectures, tutorials and the moot.

The moot is an interesting one. Criminal. Criminal Procedure. Human Rights. Things I shy away from. I will put the scenario up here after the moot.

I will now get started on Trento.

Bacon and Eggs for tea, I think, with toast and tomato. Miah is out. Her night noises kinda freaked me out last night and ...

... That was Peet on the phone, looking for somebody to speak to. I directed him towards the No Pressure video. Anyhow... her night noises kinda freaked me out last night and I was pondering anent leaving a radio on tuned to static, ver' low, to conceal her bangings &c. I mean, last night I got jolted away by matress battering and I spent a good minute or so imagining what was beneath the bed before working out that it was the cat. Of course, the problem with leaving the radio tuned to static is - per Poltergeist - that voices might start telling me to do things when I'm asleep, then I wake up at 5am down the beach with a big knife and nae pants and some ver' interested polis... Och, what is a girl to do?


Day 1

Post 6


Green screen fun:


Day 1

Post 7


Petal tells me that my post on your blog last night was offensive.
My comments about the NS were meant to be tongue in cheek. No offence was intended.

Remember to check the cellar before you go to bed tonight. It's a favourite hiding place for zombies.


Day 1

Post 8


None taken, and dinna worry about it. I should know not to buy the demme thing, but you have to admit it's gey poor stuff. Assure PJ that I was quite aware of your tongue placement.

Was the discussion anything like this:


Who knows not where a wasp does
wear his sting? In his tail.


In his tongue.


Whose tongue?


Yours, if you talk of tails: and so farewell.


What, with my tongue in your tail? nay, come again,
Good Kate; I am a gentleman.


That I'll try.

She strikes him

It strikes ME that I have not had an 'I Have Safely Landed' call from Susan. I hope that she is not still circling Budapest airport.

I have finish'd my writing for the day and am about to crack open a bottlie pear cider and watch a Three Stooges film. Then a Don Siegel flick. Cultcha? I gottit!


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