This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Sunday shopping done

Post 1


Off to Dundee first thing tomorrow.

Dragon Tattoo - the book - is rather moreish.

We did the shopping using the new car this morning. A solid piece of engineering. We were back home by 1, and the backie got some attention including a grass cut.

I have lost the usb cable for my Archos. Disaster. Susan had to order a new one for me and the P&P is exorbitant. A rip-off.

It was a bonny day. The downstairs neighbour has just had a (fourth) daughter. We live in wee teeny tiny flats. I don't envy them.

Of the classes of professionals who hate humanity, architects must rank high.

Our housing stock, generally, is a joke. Modern = badly built. Old = uninsulated, wasteful of energy. Social rented = pinched.


Sunday shopping done

Post 2


Great stuff. PJ has not gone out as promised but is sulking over her computer.


Sunday shopping done

Post 3

petal jam

Blow that - I was just about to leave a message for Douglas holding him entirely responsible for the awful noise issuing from the front room [that's the Big Room for tenement dwellers and property specialists.]

Sunday shopping done

Post 4


Great stuff. Do you want me to send you 20 hours of Man bootlegs?

We have a mouse. Susan(typist)is not responsible.

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