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Post 1


I'm off to see Nosferatu tonight with live accompaniment on the Music Hall organ, a big beast.

I went to Uni today to buy lunch for a friend who is leaving after 30 years there - aye, as an employee, not a student, that would be inconceivable (mind you, I've just started my seventh...) He had meetings and it ended up too late to buy a decent lunch, but Hey! it's the thought that counts. I'll miss him; or, at least, I'd miss him if I was still going to Uni, but my relocation to home is now all but permanent.

I had to get a problem with my ID card sorted out.

Otherwise, I spent the day assembling possession cases and downloading Sophos onto the house IT.

Miah is in. Susan will be home soon. She'll take me in to town. I wonder if I could persuade her to come to the film? She's not good on silent films, the Mack Sennett comedy era and animation. She actually dislikes Laurel & Hardy. Imagine.

Bonny day. The local girlies nabbed me coming back home and demanded that I hoist them up in the air.



Post 2


James Findlayson, one of the great Scots in early Hollywood.

Eric Campbell was another. Died too young at 38.

Great clowns.

The bit with the goat in part I of the L&H was a hoot.



Post 3


Talking of Nosferatu, I liked this snippet in yesterday's Grauniad from Lauren Bacall.


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