This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

5pm, mousie number one of the evening dispatched

Post 1


I did the crush & flick job sending one defunct down the stairs. It landed slap on the bottom step. I went back to making the tea, intending to hose down the blood and flush the remains after having plated up (n.b. technical lingo picked up from Hairy Bikers). 20 minutes later I had to go downstairs to reclaim the body from a throng of very interested girlies. "Where are you taking it?" "to the kitchen?" "Why?" "To put in the supper."

Miah ate a sachet - her third of the day, and is now lain doggo on the bed.

I had to flea spray the house this morning.

The shower people came back to finish off a 'pending the decorator' part of the job.

Stuffed peppers for tea - well, mair o' a kirn. Hairy bikers. 2 x X Files; Jersey Devil and whatever comes next.

Wine. Maybe?

Favoured niece plus boyf. in A/deen 'i morn. I will take them for breakfast then do the shops with them.

Tomorrow night is the 100th Mudshark Binge and there'll be 20+ of us at it. Peet is a Mudshark. It's that kinda gang.

Bonny morning, dim afternoon, pleasant evening.

Susan and I are going to get two nights in Orkney - 2 nights and the best part of 3 days - in October. This will probably mean Miah going into kennels as it would be unfair to ask someone to come and feed her - she would be out the door in a shot and would pull one of her 24 hour disappearances leaving the poor feeder in the lurch. She will probably do that when we get back home. Hmmmm... shots will need updating.

I listened to a Dan Fogelberg CD thus afternoon, wearing PJs, a dressing gown and slippers. I was drinking Lady Gray tea (I am such a rebel). I get through several pints a day these day. Cawffee has become a treat. I was OD-ing on the stuff.

BUSES! BUSES!! I used to get a £2.60 student day ticket but they stopped them. An ordinary day ticket now costs £3.90. I am not happy with the buses.

Geese - I hear geese. That can't be right, can it?


5pm, mousie number one of the evening dispatched

Post 2


You haven't read enough Heinlein. The wild geese overhead means it's time to move on. So goodbye Miah?

Just remember not to whistle the Sash when you're in Motherwell.


5pm, mousie number one of the evening dispatched

Post 3


It's not The Sash, it's Marching Through Georgia...

There's another wonderful US civil war tune - To Arms for Dixie - which when played solo on piano in a minor key is beautifully sad.

Re. the REH - I have read some but couldn't thole Stranger and gave up on Fear No Evil. Basically I can't abide his spunky dames, spunky as in full o' pep. The geese reference it to which of his works. At a guess, Time Enough for Love.


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5pm, mousie number one of the evening dispatched

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