This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

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Post 1




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Post 2


Some bloke in Montrose is selling 19thC Scots law books on ebay.

Hard luck Caius I have already nabbed them.


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Post 3

DeeKay Bee

In case you're wondering it was me who reported your previous post - it seemed safest as someone might have clicked it before reading the warnings

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Post 4


s'alright, better safe than sorry.

I'm interested to see if the post gets reinstated as the site linked to in it has come up no problem at home and on the Uni PCs. It links on to some nice hyper-realist whimsy-cum-phantasy artwork.

Cheers DeeKay


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Post 5

petal jam

Ooooh have I missed some scandalous information about a popular beat combo, m'lud?

Dee I think we sort of gave up on the firewall a few years ago when we realised that there was almost nothing we could set in place that the offspring and friends couldn't switch off for as long as they needed. The most we could do was to make things deadly boring by pointing out the overuse of re-touching and proprietary foam.

Emotional blackmail seemed to work pretty well: 'it's your parents who will go to jail and you'll be taken into care - look what happened to X!!!'

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Post 6


Our firewall at home is still active as you will see if you look in the task bar at the bottom left of the screen. Douglas' link was rejected by the virus checker (Avast).


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