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hi there drugless

Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

nice to see you in these strange surroundings. I was reading Peet's diary yesterday. It took me back to the time when I was in Aberdeen studying. How's the QML - oh you don't use that do you, you have your own library, the Taylor isn't it? I was also wondering what they have done with that big building project on the King St. end of Union St. - they gutted that great big building and had an enormous crane there a few years ago. I heard a rumour they were going to put a Tesco's in there. I used to live on Bon Accord St (I can come out with such details now I'm no longer living there i suppose)... a little flat in the attic of a house, I was happy there.

dd x

hi there drugless

Post 2


Hiya right back atcha Dagesh.

Yes, we Law students have out own library (a pretty good one), but I still go to the QML from time to time to (i) read the papers, (ii) pick up tangentially relevant non-law books, and (iii) take out DVDs.

Yes, they now have over 1,000 videos and 500+ DVDs in the QML. For the Film Studies cours, I presume, but anyone can take them out. They used to be on the 3rd floor (i.e., well hidden) but they shifted them down to Heavy Demand last summer, meaning that hundreds of people have found out about them. I kid you not - they have the following films in stock: Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Holocaust II, I Spit on Your Grave, The Evil Dead I-III, The Complete Nightmare on Elm Street etc etc. Amazing what you can get degrees in these days! (I go there in the summer break to watch the M Hulot films).

They've closed the following in the last year: The Senior Common Room, the Uni. Union, the Central Refectory. The Hilton Campus is going to be knocked down over the summer (they sold off THOUSANDS of books from their library for a pound a go - excellent quality Oxford Classics etc. I bought 30 or so), with Education being shifted over to the old Agri. Building (the multi-storey block next to King Street/St Machar Drive.

Re. the big crane - I suspect that this would be the student flats next to Safeways (and West North Street). Loads of student flats these days. Hillhead/Crombie/Johnston are on their last legs - I saw a Crombie flat a month ago and thought 'what a dive'.

You're off to South Africa soon - funny isn't it: Just before you go you get introduced to h2g2, which will - I suspect - turn out to be a demme fine way of keeping in touch.

I'm sticking in a few smileys cos' it seems to be part of the culture here:

smiley - smileysmiley - teasmiley - cake


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