This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Morning Drugless

Post 1


And welcome to hootoo. Haven't checked the new researchers out for a while so thought this morning would be a good time to catch up. Aberb****ydeen eh? Have offsprung up there in final is a tad on the cold side what!
Have just tuned into must be an age thing. Don't do the Archers but love some of the plays/discussions/etc. Find it rather quaint in style and very listenable to. You can just imagine Mathew Parry raising his finger and mouthing 'cue you now!' to his guest. Very proper and gentile. If you like reading check out 'my space' where I have put some links to those I consider to be among the finest. The post is great fun too and the AWW is not quite as dry or restricting as the edited guide. Oh dear methinks I shall have to volunteer to be an ACE soon...more work!
Take care and see you around.

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Morning Drugless

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