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Drugless Brain: Douglas Bain

Post 1

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I think both sound coolsmiley - winkeye

Granite City...why does that ring a bell...Might be cause I used to live in Aberdeen and it gets called Granite CIty...then again you may be from Aberdeen or indeed somewhere that's actually called Granite City, which would be coolsmiley - smiley

HAve you been formally welcomed yet?

If not WElcome to h2g2smiley - biggrin

I'm an ACE and it's part of my job to welcome, but I thought your name was cool anywaysmiley - smiley

Useful tips and some help if you need it: A562303


Drugless Brain: Douglas Bain

Post 2


Hello Em, and thanks for the welcome. I'll check out your link for useful tips. It'll certainly come in handy (the lack of smileys and general newbie ambience should tell you this).

I like your Granite City idea - somewhere in Illinois, isn't it? It sounds like the ideal base for a 30's pulp hero. 'The Dynamo - alias Lance Remington, wealthy playboy socialite - fighting organised crime and Fifth Columnists in the streets of Granite City. Complete novel in this issue, 10c. This month The Torry Terror'.

Sorry for taking so long getting back to you. I'm an evening internet person, and have to fight the OH for the PC - she trawls The Archers Boards. We're getting Broadband, and will network and move a second PC/laptop into the living room - a great source of heat in the winter.

So you used to live in Aiberdeen, did ye? Somebody has to, and the place really ain't too bad, is it?



Drugless Brain: Douglas Bain

Post 3

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

Smiley's, right, well that's an easy place to start - smiley - smiley - click on himsmiley - winkeye

smiley - laugh I've got a song by Less Than Jake going round my head now "last one out of liberty city burn it to the ground" smiley - smiley

Oh don't worry, I'm only on during the day at the moment because of the lull between highschool and college, otherwise this is the kind of time I'd be on, 9, 10 o'clock.

Yep, lived there until I was 5, I don't mind the city, but I hold something against the place because of the bad teaching I had in Primary 1 there.

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