This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Hi Douglas

Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I see you're online. Have a good morning - enjoy your Saiturday reading!

I forgot to bring in the pieces for you to read. I would be very interested in your opinion of them, with any comments most welcome. I won't publish them on hootoo but I will send them to your email address. I hope to get this seen to tomorrow.

Richard smiley - winkeye

Hi Douglas

Post 2


Hiya Dagesh - I'm just about to dash out of the house to meet up with my mother for breakfast at the Victoria Resturant. Re, your pensees*, what I wanted to do was to show them to some friends I have in the Law School who are active in their own churches or in the Lawyer's Christian Fellowship. I'll read them myself, too, but I thought you might like to hear their feedback.


* I think pensees is an appropriate term, tho', as you will note, I can't manage the accent...

Hi Douglas

Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes thanks Douglas, I would be very interested in hearing their feedback. I will get them to you tomorrow, by email, and then you can distribute them round to your friends. Thanks a lot... I am grateful for your interest.

Hi Douglas

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have just emailed you five of my pieces. Any feedback would be highly appreciated. smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin

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