This is the Message Centre for DruglessBrain

Missed you

Post 1


Hi Douglas

Hope your time in London went well. Sorry I didn't get in touch but I was having a crisis/extra busy time work wise Thu-Mon which, on top of the slowly departing cold, left me drained by the end of Mon (and it was probably too late to get hold of you by then anyhow).

Another time hopefully!


Missed you

Post 2


S'alright... I got taken out to dinner by the senior partner of the firm I was working for, and didn't have to put my hand in my pocket once, and for an Aiberdeen loon that's a guid night oot. I'll be sure to post in advance of any future London trips, so, as you say, maybe next time...

I actually quite enjoyed myself in London, but, as usual, hated the whole 'geting there'/'coming back' fasherie...


Missed you

Post 3


Glad you had a good night out. As you say - nex time.


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