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Message for Douglas re handwriting

Post 1


You mentioned wanting to learn handwriting. This evening at my calligraphy class the tutor had a book which I think you would really like, if you can get hold of it. I imagine there must be secondhand copies around - don't know if it's still in print (haven't checked).

It's by Edward Johnston, who instigated a big revival in the teaching of handwriting in the early 20th century, and it is called "Writing & Illuminating & Lettering". Published by Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, in a series entitled: The Artistic Crafts Series of Technical Handbooks. First published 1906, with numerous reprints up to 1962 and probably beyond.

It contains some very technical stuff about how to do illumination with goldleaf (if only ...!) but also practical tips on formal handwriting, and it's charmingly old-fashioned, with some beautiful illustrations.

Incidentally, one of the other students brought a book belonging to her husband to show the tutor (and us). It was a genuine 15th century manuscript!!! I couldn't believe it - she even offered to let us handle it (shouldn't do it without gloves really). It had been rebound, probably around 1848, in a leather cover with marbled endpapers. Her husband apparently bought it at an auction some years ago, but it must be worth a packet - they don't keep it in their house, but she didn't say where they did keep it - the bank I should hope!

Message for Douglas re handwriting

Post 2



Guess what? There's a copy in the library stacks at King's, and I'm just about to put in a request for it. Thanks v much.

Douglas smiley - ok

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Message for Douglas re handwriting

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