This is the Message Centre for DoQuaDecaGonic lady HEAVENLY~ANGEL GODDESS of love & peace manageress of the games room at the boars head pub


Post 1


hi just poped in.still geting ust to h2g2. speak to you i like your page smiley - fullmoonsmiley - smiley


Post 2

DoQuaDecaGonic KNight BeauBrummie GOD of all things alien, beer garden manager at the boars head and minister of footy mascots

hi this is Heavenly angel smiley - angel under her hubbys name ...thank you for coming over to my page my hubby done most the work i must admit..h2g2 is complicated to start with but once you get the hangoff it it's fun ...come in too the boars head and have a nice quiet drink with us all can get the free smiley - bus which will take you right to the door on the code and you will be directed right to the boars head ...hope to chat soon take care

smiley - love ~HA~ kelly

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