This is the Message Centre for DoQuaDecaGonic lady HEAVENLY~ANGEL GODDESS of love & peace manageress of the games room at the boars head pub

Hi from your ACE

Post 1


Hi, I'm Skevoy and I'm your ACE. smiley - ok That means that I'm here to help you find your way around the h2g2 community. Please have some smiley - cake, smiley - tea, smiley - choc, smiley - stiffdrink or whatever else you'd like!

I have made a page of useful links on the site which can be found here: A870707. On the page you will find links to all of the main help pages on the site as well as a few links to clubs and interesting places to go.

If you have any questions or queries, or if you just want to chat then please feel free to click the reply button at the bottom of the post. I hope you enjoy being a member of h2g2 smiley - cheers


Hi from your ACE

Post 2

DoQuaDecaGonic KNight BeauBrummie GOD of all things alien, beer garden manager at the boars head and minister of footy mascots

hi skenvoy smiley - smiley

thank you for aceing me..i really do appreciate it i have been on here on another name (foxy~barmaid) and i was not aced ..i hope that you will come say hello sometime and that we can become friends also feel free to come say hello to my husband beaubrummie..

thank you once again

smiley - love Heavenly smiley - angel xxx

Hi from your ACE

Post 3


smiley - ok so how are you today? done anything interesting?


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