This is the Message Centre for dancingbuddha

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Post 1


Good Lord, a dancing Buddha

oy, what's wrong wi that?

Post 2


Good Lord, a shark of yam. Good day to you, sir. Pray, what is it about my dancing that is surprising, exactly?

~ db

oy, what's wrong wi that?

Post 3


Good day to you sir and how did you know I is sir, sir?

Surprising seeing as one spotted one out of the corner of one's eye. Startling movement surprises one. Aren't you Boodass supposed to sit there and look, well, Booda like. Contemplatin' Life, the uni and evrytang. Nothing wrong with a dance or two. Is it a celebratory jig 'cos u figured summat out? Or you is just a happy-bunny? No fence intended by the way.

Bein' kinda newbie, yoo unnerstan', I was not ready for a Dancing Booda.

Yours and mine


oy, what's wrong wi that?

Post 4


i don't know you is sir, sir, it just makes for a nicer form of reference smiley - biggrin

well, i guess i do contemplate life, the university, and everything, but i think i dance because i'm a happy, er, bunny - bunny will do for now

well, welcome to h2g2, and have yourself a good time!

~ db

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