This is the Message Centre for dancingbuddha

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 1


This is not a review. Nor commentary, criticism, response or retort.

It is, on the other hand, sincere.

You, db, are a pleasure, and I am glad we've "met" here.

smiley - cheers


(And now, back to the irregularly scheduled madness.)

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 2


smiley - laugh

we were posting at each other's spaces simultaneously!

thank you. and yes, wonderful place isn't it? not often i can meet my like... all my acquaintances have young bodies, all my friends old souls.

smiley - cheers

keep making

~ db

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 3


funny sometimes how this world works, ain't it?

and yes-yes-yessmiley - magic...

keep making!


In reference to nothing at all...

Post 4


oh, btw: what else do you write (not-alternative, for a living?)

~ db

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 5


I've somehow managed to make a living - much to my continuing surprise - writing advertising, speeches, white papers and all manner of public relations drivel for nearly 30 years.

However, since my recent "fleeing in horror and utter disgust" escape from the US, I'm really not writing "for a living." I have, at least temporarily, resorted to that most over-rated of pseudo-professional positions: consultant. (That is to say, I'm "the American ad guy" being counted upon to bring Polish media marketing kicking and screaming into the 19th , er, 21st Century.)

Well, that, and there's that novel I've been working on since, I think, June or July of 1971.

smiley - winkeye


In reference to nothing at all...

Post 6


they that want to hear, tell them, is what i say. how is polish marketing, i wonder? the few east european ads i have seen aren't very promising... not that the american style is *the* model to follow, of course...

and yeah, i know what it is like to have a story brewing in my head. have been working (in what little spare time I have) on something vaguely novel-like for the past year. the more time i spend away from it, the more my perspective changes for the subtler, and the more my writing grates on the ears. i suspect i shall have to abandon it after a while, but i hope not.

~ db

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 7


"they that want to hear..."

Yes, exactly! I long ago freed myself from the guilt of convincing people that they should need a bunch of things they didn't really want and that they should want a bunch of others they really didn't need. Although I have "drawn the line" on a couple of occasions, refusing to work for a politician whose views I thought dangerous and for a tobacco company (for, now that I think of it, the same reason).

For the most part, though, I've seen it as a battle of wits. And it's often been rewarding both as entertainment (for me) and as a means of keeping body and soul together.

As for my "novel," well, my problem is more one of _not_ having a story brewing in my head. At least not one of anything resembling epic proportions. (I once told someone, "I can write anything, about anything, as long as it fits on one page.")

Now, if I can just convince someone to publish a book of _very_ short stories...

smiley - erm

Write it, db. One of us has to!


In reference to nothing at all...

Post 8

Blue Bird

Very witty!Love your story,-- just like speaking for me!(= instead of me!)smiley - laugh
smiley - bluebird smiley - biggrin

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 9


hi bluebird!

which story are you speaking of?

~ db

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 10


m: you might want to peruse the novella in question -

~ db

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 11

Blue Bird

Because I don't read text from the screen I printed the above mentioned work from the msn/group of bloodworks smiley - wow
starting with The man himself.
Trying to find out where is your thinking coming from?

Perhaps your name is also an "omen"?

On these pages of h2g2 the weird collections of names can be some times important, because some members have names what is attractive and some repulsive!

No, not a reference in this case,-- just contemplating while I read from bloodworks.. smiley - cheers
N.B. I am not a writer! My opinion in literature has limited means. but more expert in visual art. smiley - smileyBluebird smiley - biggrin

In reference to nothing at all...

Post 12

Blue Bird

I don't think-- but I say anyway: all of us humans start out from ourselfs and that is unique!
Now my PC goes under a major updating, new software installations, more mamory ---so I am not on my PC for a little while. Bbird smiley - smiley

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