This is the Message Centre for dancingbuddha

another subject of interest

Post 1


I just couldn't leave without sharing more. I'm a 70's music fan, like Castenada, weird philosophizing, and I worked for many years in electronic manufacturing. Not yet degreed but certainly not computer science, too many people already in that field (it is a filled field)my area is history especially antebellum America, Jacksonian democracy etc.

I love fractal art, have you seen it at all?

check out my page and get back to me

another subject of interest

Post 2


aha, thou art a man after my own heart!

yes i have dabbled in fractal art, although what got my goat is the math behind it... and i do agree with you - there r TOO many of CS engineers, wish i had access to Saddams WMDs smiley - winkeye. but i'm not a CS guy proper - i generally meander on the fringes of CS; you know stuff like metamathematics and Godel, so i'm currently on my way to getting into a cognitive sciences program somewhere... i want to outsmart godel...

and if u haven't already, read Aldous Huxley's "Doors of Perception" essay


another subject of interest

Post 3


Well, my path has been the electronic technician's path.Worked in aerospace laid off many times from many companies. Until I finally decided to get my degree so I went back to school but in history.

It seems that "Chaos theory" and "catastrophe theory" are now being applied to social sciences. That is such a poor name for such a profound idea. Unfortunately I have a limited understanding of the math behind them, they are "elegant" in their simplicity and I think that has to count for something.

I have not read Aldous Huxley yet but I am aware of his work.

another subject of interest

Post 4


do you do poetry? if so, check out my page...


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