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Post 1

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

There are many things I'll never understand ....

.... And they're all women.


Post 2


smiley - wahsmiley - biggrinsmiley - sadface>


Post 3

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

See? That's a perfect example! I have no idea what that post means. smiley - tongueout


Post 4


OMG you men are all daft as brushsmiley - biggrin
Hi there luv


Post 5

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

How daft is brush? 'Cause I don't think it stands a chance against "[us] men." smiley - winkeye

And ello, 'ow're you?


Post 6


I'm a scouser so daft as a brush is our word's
ok ur a soft lad but hard as nails
smiley - biggrin

i'm not to bad had a bad shock
on sunday smiley - sadface
i found my Auntie dead in my chair.


Post 7

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

Okay, few questions for you. What's a scouser? And what does soft but hard as nails mean? smiley - tongueout *tries not to think perverted teenager thoughts*

I'm sorry about your aunt .... how long ago was that?


Post 8


smiley - dohA scouser is a Young Woman or Man from Liverpool Mersyside
And The Meaning To SoftLad mean's your a Softy Inside But Hard as Nail's mean's Your A Tough person you can take on anyone and Do anythink you Like.
smiley - biggrin


My Auntie Died on sunday 17th august 2003 I woke up and Found her In my chair smiley - wahMy Uncle came over from Canada To Help me
Sort everythink Out Arrangement's ect Church Cos my family are into the church realy bad so am i but I don't go as much as i use to as I've lost so meny family members I'm a Catholic.

So where you from Lad?
and before you say I'm no Lad well that's also a scouser Word
smiley - biggrin
I'm 25 female from Liverpool
I'm into sport Big style I luv Everton f c I like Books Poetry
Music Animals Meeting new ppl going the Pub , I also like Films Tv anythink fun,
My fave Food is Salad i'll end up looking Like a smiley - bunnyWabbit soon
My fave Color's are Blue/Pink/green/Cream/red/lilac
My Dislikes are Racist ppl
The Conservtives
Cruelty to animals
men who beat women
and I don't like ppl who Tell Lies I find Honesty is the best Key in life Vise versa
you be honest with me and I with you.
Do you know any italian words?
Just i found this ring of my Grandfathers and it has italy?

Well thats me Done what's your name love Mine's HilaryMarie
Nice ta meet you by the way
You sound very intresting Male lol.
Take care
spk soon
smiley - cuddle


Post 9

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

Now, why would I object to being called a lad, lass? I'm no scotty but I can appreciate a good scottish accent (or, in this case, vocabulary). smiley - winkeye

I am also (most of the time) scrupulously honest, so no worries with that.

I'm fifteen and male (duh on the male part smiley - tongueout).. I live in Maryland, USA.

I'm into only one sport -- volleyball. Computers, however, are my bread and butter. I love 'em.

I know a little Italian, but I'm afraid I've forgotten most of it at this point.. What's the ring say? I can try to help, but if I can't, I'm sure a well-meaning passer-by will help out.

I love literature, too; big fan of fantasy, HUGE fan of scifi. smiley - cool


(You also sound interesting; it's a pleasure to meet you, as much as one can over an internet forum anyway.)


Post 10

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

Oh, and my name's Adam Markline (last name omitted to protect the not-so-innocent smiley - tongueout).


Post 11


Please to meet you Adam smiley - biggrin
My brother is into all your into he a computer mad man lol

Wow your from the USA what's it like over There I've only ever bin To canada well i lived there one time with my uncle for a while it was boss out there then i got home sick lol and had to come back to Liverpool Mersyside Uk,
I've got scottish family members
They are good men as well i seem to be surounded by men in my family But i don't mind lol
Here's my email address you can keep intouch with me then whenever you want! smiley - thepost[email protected] My neice is the same age as you she going To canada soon as She wants to go to Study med and it be a better life for her over there than boreing old england.

anyway i mustsmiley - runnow as i have to make SomeThink For My Dinner

Take care
spk soon
smiley - hugs


Post 12


Ps...I get called Girl or Love in Liverpool Mersyside England
I don't get called lass by my family Only my Uncle Call's me thatsmiley - laugh

Oh why did you think the term of softlad and hard as nails was a rude words?
smiley - blush


Post 13

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

Well, I'll pretend to be your family by calling you lass or something, s'okay?

The only reason I thought that they were rude is because I am a teenage boy, which means I am EXTREMELY perverted. Q.E.D. smiley - cool

Talk to ya soon.


Post 14


smiley - dohwhat dose Q,E,D stand for I not as brainy as you are Young man smiley - laugh Hey happy Birthday
Here's a Littlesmiley - giftIt's not much but It's the thought that count's
So you just like my cousin Gifted and brainy That dose not make you a smiley - geekat all My cousin he from canada he was name called for year's when he was at High School I was Name called at But i wasn't brainy I just Kept on at the Work they gave me kept my head down now look at me I'm stupid My dad sent me to a catholic Brding school In the south of England
i was there from age 12 to 15 then I was sent to a Another day school for My Temper and Then he sent me to LadyLike school I went to collage worked realy hard Got Through all my exams what for to Not be able to work
As i suffer bad from asthma and nerves and my Temper is a no go area And thesmiley - doctors are no help to get me Normal.

You are not a smiley - geekanyone that says you are Just jealous I wish i was your age again to start again go back upon my mistakes I'm 25 nearly 26 with Nothink to show for it I've been married twice and i've lost 4 children to Down's and Rare blood disorder.

If you say your a smiley - geekyou are not ok my cousin kids get called nerds n freaks n there not They just Got brains and they study hard I say they are gifted instead Never ever let anyone put you down you are better than they are you have a life ahead of you Plus your Mother and Father and siblings are your only bestfriends Never forget that they are there to help you
like mine are still there allways.

Take the view of a 25 year old that has been there and knows how hard it is to make friends and a life and how hard jealoussmiley - monsters can be they see you brainy they can be nasty
about that.
Just abit of advice

Take care
spk soon
From HilaryMarie M
smiley - hugs


Post 15


Ps How Old are your Brother's and Do they Come on here ?
smiley - blush


Post 16

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

smiley - geek and proud. When I say I'm a geek, I mean that I'm obsessed with my favourite field (computers) and that I'm blatantly unusual (which I am). I'm proud of it and it's not the insult that most people seem to think it is.

You don't seem like you're bad at all, either in terms of temper or intelligence. smiley - cool

Q.E.D. is quot erat demonstratum. It's a Latin term used in mathematics.. I forget the exact definition, but as I recall, it's basically a way of saying "I've made my point."

My brothers are 18 and 22 and, unfortunately, neither is nearly as much a netmeister as I am. smiley - cool



Post 17


smiley - sorryIf i have afended you in anyway I just Don't like that word geek at all My cousin was allways being picked on because of itsmiley - dohbut if you like the word then It's up to you I say Your Gifted instead.

I like most thing's in life BUT i love mysmiley - footballoh and music

So hows you ?

I'm not to badsmiley - biggrin

take care
spk soon
smiley - hugs


Post 18

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

No offense taken. smiley - cool

But see .... I'm not gifted.. Just obsessed. smiley - tongueout I LOVE my life, just about everything about it.

How am I? Let me check ....


Post 19


smiley - laugh
smiley - wah
smiley - blush
Take no Notice of me I'm in a Allsorts Kinda Mood.
Been Haven lot's of Trouble on here But I Guess your To Young To wanna know about It.
I haven Trouble with The Big Man On here he Telling Lie's about me How can he sit There and say he know's me when he Hasn't even met me?

any advice to how i can block a person ?
I'm not On a Pc I'm a DigiBox user.
yeah i smiley - lovemy Life too
smiley - steam


Post 20

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

The atheist would like to know what you mean. Block someone on AIM? Block someone on this webpage? (I've only been here a week or so, I don't really know.) Anyway, leave a message and I'll try to help.

Did you find out what your grandfather's ring said?

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