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Deb's NaJoPoMo 29.11.11 - TV
Deb Started conversation Nov 29, 2011
I'm really struggling today, so I'm just going to rattle on about TV.
One thing I really hate is programmes which deliberately manipulate your emotions, and zoom in on people crying, that sort of thing. As an example, I give you Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Family having it tough, usually with kids involved, and their house is making it worse. Along comes Ty Pennington* and his team to build them a new house. Cue lots of teary eyes from the design team when they watch the application video, lots of tears from the family when they turn up. Lots of close-ups. Then the communnity comes together to help out and it's all patently designed to pull on your heartstrings and make you cry and laugh, etc.
The thing is, I love that programme. Only that one, I don't watch anything else like that. But EM:HE - I record it every day. I laugh. I cry. When they bring the family home and Ty says "Say it with me" I shout at the TV "Busdriver, move that bus". I know my emotions are being manipulated but I just love it.
I suppose everyone needs their guilty pleasure and this is obviously mine!
*totally manic but oh boy
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Deb's NaJoPoMo 29.11.11 - TV
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