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This is Anush
Anushodhak Started conversation Oct 24, 2003
Hi Christy,
How are you? I'm good have been busy last week but hope to be rather free next week. It's half term in UK
Tomorrow is Diwali, our festival. I was making some treats/ sweets! I painted my backyard as well (a friend helped me) Tomorrow I will lit many candles, I think it will look beautiful I'm missing my family in India
It's getting chillier day by day. I bought a new padded jacket for my son with a hood and as he can walk now he wants to walk even in the market He wore the jacket and we went out for dinner, He was looking as if an alien astronaut is exploring moon's surface! He was scared of his own shadow
Will write you how did it go on Diwali day!
This is Anush
Anushodhak Posted Nov 13, 2003
Hi Chris,
Hope you are doing fine! I'm bit busy, moving house this month end. I have lined up many viewings this week!
You must be busy with studies I guess
This is Anush
christy Posted Dec 1, 2003
hello! it's nice to hear from you. sorry it's taken me this long to check in. i have been at school, mostly i haven't been on because of my work, but i've been hitting the gym a lot and hanging out with friends. trying to be social in real life, not just online life. i hope your moving went well! that sounds so exciting, have you moved very far away? oooo! i almost forgot! this thanksgiving (last thursday) marked the end of the 5th year of my vegetarianism! it's so exciting to be able to say that i've been a vegetarian for a quarter of my life. *heavy sigh*
so i trust that you are in good health! at least i hope you are. how's the little man doing? my nephew was so great when i went home for thanksgiving! he thinks his name is joey michael spiderman! and he has a great sense of humor! anyways, sorry i have a tendency to go off on a tangent about him.
i hope to be on for the next few weeks at least. hopefully i will get a chance to chat a little more with you!
This is Anush
Anushodhak Posted Dec 3, 2003
Hi Christy,
Nice to hear from you! I'm busy these days fighting flu I was not well last week and Junior and DH are down with fever this week. Moved to a new flat as well.
stay in touch!
This is Anush
christy Posted Apr 8, 2004
hello! so sorry not to be around for the past few months. i've been leaving a few messages around for a few people that i'll be on again in about a month and a half when i go to my dad's house in the summer. he has better access to good computers and i'll have more time to sit in front of one. anyways, i hope your move went alright (though it was a long time ago now) and that you are doing well. will speak to you again in a few weeks christy
This is Anush
Anushodhak Posted Apr 24, 2004
Hey, welcome back! I had unsub this conversation by mistake.
I'm doing well. Weather is perfect in UK, I take junior to the park every single day. We have been going for swimming as well. He loves it. He is 19 months now and running around keeping me on my toes! I will write more when he's asleep!
Love n hugs
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