This is the Message Centre for Katy Tulip

POV issues

Post 1


Katy - firstly you are doing a remarkable job meeting and greeting the refugees as they arrive at (what I now call it) Ellis Island by the boat load. I think you deserve an award smiley - angel.

I noticed that like me you originally had a POV sign in, as you have probably found out there are problems with that, most obvious being you can't get the Journal to work, but there are other hidden ones too - basically it's a second class ticket.

As you will know form creating the second account to create the Mustarding Point smiley - biggrin, you can overcome it that way, ie a whole new account. However, having done battle smiley - steam I finally have a result that upgrades the second class ticket to first.

So if you want to uprate your POV loggin leave me a message and I'll let you know how.

smiley - wizard

POV issues

Post 2

Katy Tulip

Thanks for the offer of help and the kind words, LP!

smiley - hug Katy smiley - rose

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