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What sort of music?
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Started conversation Sep 16, 2003
So? What sort of music do you like? Hope you dont mind, i linked from a friends friends list and thoguht, hmm this guy sounds cool, i'll leave him a note and ask him for a drink. Im from Leeds btw... dont think thats on my space...hmmm
What sort of music?
Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs Posted Sep 16, 2003
oh, forgot to say - drop in and say hey.. id apreciate it!
What sort of music?
Pete Posted Oct 12, 2003
Hi.. I like all kinds of music, except for some of the more modern stuff.
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I've not been online much the past month or so...
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What sort of music?
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