This is the Message Centre for Pete
kbrtiata Started conversation Sep 3, 2003
Hello Pete
I wonder why you knew that I drop in to your page
I'm surprised at seeing your message to me.
Nice to meet you, anyway
I think, you can find out my page easily, so that I won't introduce myself too much.
I'm a 40-years-old middle-aged Japanese woman living in a Osaka, the second giggest and the most busiest city in Japan(though the suburb is very quiet).
Here it's stifling and sticky, and I'm almost dying with this awful heat .
May I come here again?
I'm happy if you can reply me .
By the way, I'm learning French here as well
Tomorrow is my French lesson day, but I havn't finished my homework
Hoping you can understand my horrible Engish which become worse and worse (especially 'speaking English', because there is no one who can chat with me directly here in Osaka or through the messenger).
That's all for now.
Have a lovely day
How are you?
kbrtiata Posted Sep 11, 2003
Hiya Pete
How are you? fine, I hope.
Well I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon if you are interested in talking with me
Here it's cooler than last week , I'm suer I'll survive
Well, speak to you soon if you don't mind
Take Care & enjoy yourself
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