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Agnoy Aunt - H2G2 Community Radio :)
Posted Sep 30, 2003
Have you got a problem that is keeping you awake at night? that no -one else can help you with? well have no fear! help is close at hand
why not visit H2G2'S cOMMUNITY Radio and leave a message for our resident Agnoy Aunt's Little Miss NAUGHTY OR gRIFTER Gal
so don't suffer in silence cos as the saying goes a problem shared is a problem halved
so if you want to live a problem free life come pay us a visit and h2g2 community Radio is also a great place to hear the latest music
wheather you like the 70's 80's or 90's or even the 60,s
Grifter Gal
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Latest reply: Sep 30, 2003
Posted Aug 25, 2003
A bank holiday wouldnt be a bank holiday without the bbc showing the cult childrens film Bugsy Malone whose cast was made up entirely of child Actors <a couple of whom i happen to know
the Character Snake eyes one of fat Sams huddlums -played by Donald waugh
the charachter of Velma -played by vivian makone,
the Character of Baby "face played by Dexster Fletcher
Romana - one of Fat Sams Dancing Girls
with a superb performance from a very young Jodi Foster as Talulah, and The main character Bugsy Malone played by the very talented Scot Bio who later played fonzi's cousin in happy days! and later appeared in Joani and chuchi a spin off from the show!
Bugsy Malone was and still is one of the cult films of 1976 and will be for many generations to come.
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Latest reply: Aug 25, 2003
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