This is the Message Centre for HeavensAngel


Post 1

James Bond

Hi Sandie, How are you? What you up to today, just enjoying the sun? smiley - biggrin


Post 2


sorry it took so long in answering but my system has been down for weeks,
i hope you are well, the sun seems to have dissapeared now the cold is setting in lol..
maybe chat soon..

xx sandie


Post 3

James Bond

Hi Sandie,

Thanx for replying, thought you didn't want to talk to me smiley - sadface lol Glad your system is up and working now anyway, so what do you like to do apart from running around after your kids all the time smiley - smiley

Hope to hear from you soon
xxx smiley - rose


Post 4


hiya hun my system is so bad i cant seem to get on 1 week to the next..
i hope you are well my email addy is...

[email protected]

thats if you want to email me hunni..

so wot have you been upto l8tly then..
all i seem to do is work and run around after the kids lol..
2 of my daughters are courting now man thats scary lol.. already had 1 run in with my oldest daughters feller he is a waste of space and in my opinion dont treat her the way he shpould but thats most likely me lol no1 is good enuf for my girls..

i do hope to hear from you again bye for now ..

xxxxx sandie

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